Communication is needed in all walks of life. This is the reason for us to write this article on book self publishing; to communicate it's meaning to everyone.
Today's book self publishing ArticleParenting Books for the First 12 Months
Being a Parent
Being a parent is considered the hardest job in the world, and everyone needs a little help and advice from time to time. There are many books written by parenting experts and doctors to help guide you through your baby's first 12 months. It's okay to get advice and help from other people when it comes to raising your child. After all, babies don't come with an instruction manual. You'll find many books that can help you with such issues as breastfeeding, teething, nutrition, and parenting.
Parenting Books for the First 12 Months
These books are all great tools for parents who want to do a little research, or get some tips when it comes to raising children:
Mayo Clinic Complete Book of Pregnancy & Baby's First Year
Mayo Clinic
Hardcover, William Morrow & Company, 1994, ISBN # 0688117619
This book delves into the world of motherhood, exploring issues such as breastfeeding and the changes in a woman's body. Family issues and parenting advice are also offered.
The Contented Little Baby Book: The Simple Secrets of Calm, Confident Parenting
Ford, Gina
Paperback, New American Library, 2001, ISBN # 0451202430
This book discusses what's best for the baby, delving into sleeping and nutritional information to help guide you. Many simple strategies are featured in this book that will help parents establish rules and patterns to ensure the continued health and happiness of their child.
The Everything Get Ready for Baby Book: From Buying the Right Gear to Learning the Best Lullabies
Jones, Katina
Paperback, Adams Media Corporation, 1998, ISBN # 1558508449
This book is filled with invaluable advice about selecting a name, a pediatrician, and proper feeding methods. You can start preparing for your baby's arrival in advance with the advice found in the pages of this guide.
The Mother of All Baby Books
Douglas, Ann
Paperback, Hungry Minds, 2002, ISBN # 0764566164
This book explores healthy infant development, feeding, sleeping, and medical advice for the first year of your baby's life.
The Joy of Fatherhood: The First Twelve Months Expanded 2nd Edition (Paperback)
Marcus Jacob Goldman MD
Even fathers need help when it comes to raising a child, and there's no reason that new fathers should be left out. This book offers invaluable advice and tips for fathers who want to have a hands-on role in their child's early development.
Your Baby's First Year Week by Week
Glade B Curtis
ISBN: 1555612326
This book takes you week-by-week through your child's development, offering advice and tips through the earliest stages of your baby's development.
Rookie Dad: Fun and Easy Exercises and Games for Dads and Babies in Their First Year
Susan Fox
For fathers who want to find ways to connect with their child, this book offers great advice and activities. You want your child to get to know you as soon as possible, and some fathers feel a little left out of the special mother-child bond that arises. This book helps fathers get close to their children, beginning at an early age.
Keeping the Baby Alive till Your Wife Gets Home
Walter Roark
This humorous look at fatherhood is one that new fathers will immediately identify with. This book can serve as a guide to fathers who are inexperienced when it comes to babies ? as so many of them are.
When it comes to raising your baby, you can never learn too much. Check out some of these parenting books for the first 12 months of your baby's life to get started on the right foot when it comes to parenthood.
Jacqueline Courtiol, M.A. Ed. is a veteran teacher, mother and business owner. She is the founder/co-developer of Colic Calm Gripe Water a natural homeopathic remedies for relief of infant colic and gas that is recommended by pediatricians, doulas and lactation consultants. More information about colic can be found here: Colic Information. | |
Featured book self publishing Items4" H Brushed Silver Monogram Letters - Letter "P"
4" H Brushed Silver Monogram Letters - Letter "P"
All 26 English Letters (capitals only) and "&" symbol available. Monograms can be created using different letter sizes if desired. These Brushed Silver Monogram Letters can also be used to personalize other decorations. Add to centerpieces, buffet tables, guest book tables, wherever... a perfect way to create a "signature" look.
Saitek P990 Dual Analog Game Pad
Saitek P990 Dual Analog Game Pad
Instantly configure your pad's controls to the perfect set-up for First Person Shooter games with a single button press. The ergonomic controls with soft touch handles increase grip and comfort during hours of gameplay. Advanced programming is provided by Saitek Smart Technology (SST) software. System Requirement: Windows XP & XP64
Customer Review: Not as good as the last one, but...
I bought this controller to replace my old Saitek P880, the previous iteration of this controller, which finally gave out on me after four years of abuse.
For the most part this is still a good, solid controller, except for one factor - The D-pad, compared to the one on my P880, feels incredibly cheap and sometimes sticks, and did so right out of the box. The feel of the other buttons is similar or identical, but the D-pad is rather annoying for games I use it in when it triggers. Mind you, it's maybe one time out of a hundred and fifty or so, but still annoying when it happens.
For the record, I use the controller for the games Phantasy Star Universe and Phantasy Star Online: Blue Burst, which are both third-person action games, and the d-pad is used only for menus. For what it's worth, if you play Phantasy Star Universe, this is the only controller I've found that actually has enough buttons for all the functions you can map to a controller, finally removing my need to still use the keyboard for certain things.
If you like controllers with six face buttons rather than the four-button layout that seems to be more common, this is a good one to get, just mind that there can be issues with the D-pad. If your game doesn't use the D-pad, then there isn't a problem I can think of.
Customer Review: Solid control but poor programming software
Overall i am pleased with this gamepad. It works great as long as the game itself has a good control setup of its own as i found the downloadable programming software to be somewhat frustrating. it really isn't very user friendly or pretty(just a minor grip). for some reason assigned buttons just randomly won't do what they are supposed to and have to be reassigned and then still might not work. it shouldn't be difficult or take this much effort to program a controller. however once setup it is very nice.
My Favorite Recipes Blank Cookbook Organizer
My Favorite Recipes Blank Cookbook Organizer
Create your own cookbook! Keep all your favorite family recipes in one handy place with our blank cookbook organizer. Organized into 6 chapters from breakfasts to desserts...there are even 3 blank chapters to name your own, plus dozens of tips. Hardcover cookbook organizer, 224 pages.
Customer Review: Perfect
Just what I was looking for! Has plenty of pages and looks/feels sturdy. Now to sit down and actually write in my recipes from all the random pieces of paper i've got everywhere... I swear i've lost more good recipes than some people find in a lifetime!
Customer Review: Perfect Recipe Book
I purchased 2 recipe books so I could enter all of our family recipes for my daughters to give them on Mother's Day...I am totally delited...each page is lined for easy writing and there is plenty of space designated for ingredients and below that plenty of space for instructions. I highly recommend this book if you are looking for lined pages that are well organized.
Colon Health by Dr. Norman Walker
Colon Health by Dr. Norman Walker
Colon Health by Dr. Norman Walker Features & SpecificationsColon Health by Dr. Norman Walker Book DescriptionColon Health will take this forgotten part of your body and focus your full attention on it--and you'll never again take it for granted. This book shows how every organ, gland, and cell in the body is affected by the condition of the large intestine.About the AuthorDr. Norman Walker is the longest-lived, widely-known raw-foodist of the modern era. Thousands upon thousands of people credit Dr. Walker's live-vegetable-juice therapy for healing them of "incurable" diseases, including Jay Kordich, known to the world as "The Juiceman." When Jay Kordich had cancer, he met and was tremendously inspired by Dr. Walker. After healing himself of cancer through The Raw-Food Diet and juice therapy, Jay worked with Dr. Walker beginning in the 1940s up until Dr. Walker's death in the mid-80's at an age of well over 100.For more than 100 years, Norman W. Walker, Ph.D., proved through research and experience that well-being and long life go hand-in-hand. Through the non-stop activities of raw-food enthusiasts, such as Nature's First Law, modern day nutritionists and medical researchers are finally discovering the raw truths which Dr. Walker knew and taught throughout the twentieth century. Dr. Walker was living proof that a longer, healthier, more enjoyable life is achieved through The Raw-Food Diet, mental poise, and intelligent body care. Dr. Walker's contributions to the common heritage of humankind began before the turn of the century in London, where as a young man he became seriously ill due to over-work and stress. Unable to accept a sentence of ill-health and early death, Dr. Walker healed himself with living foods and vegetable juices. Among Dr. Walker's greatest contributions was his discovery of the therapeutic value of fresh vegetable juices and in 1930, the development of what would become known as the Norwalk Press Juicer. The present "juicing" craze is direct
Easy Reader Reading Stand
Easy Reader Reading Stand
A versatile and strong book stand that positions papers or heavy books exactly where you need them. You can select from 6 angles, place your book on the sturdy platform and use the page-holder to keep the pages flat. It folds flat for storage or can be used as a legal-size clipboard with a broad writing surface.
Platform measures 14 x 9 inches
Customer Review: Great for mobile workers and readers of all kinds
I discovered the Easy Reader is a cafe in Berkeley about 15 years ago, and have used them ever since. They're fantastic. I almost never use them as a clipboard, but as a reading stand, it's indispensable. I still have my original readers, and they'veheld up very well. The elastic band that helps the two halves snap closed wears out after a while, but it's not necessary-- the reader works perfectly well without it.
Easy Reader Reading Stand
Halo 2, Vol. 2
Halo 2, Vol. 2
Original Score Composed and Produced By Martin O'Donnell and Michael Salvatori. Album Produced by Nile Rodgers. Executive Producer Sandy Ting.
The Long Awaited Halo 2 Volume Two!!
Customer Review: Why wasn't this on the fist album?
It is curious that the Halo 2 soundtrack was broken into two separate CD's in the first place, instead of just the 4 songs from the major bands that weren't part of the game. If you are true fan and just have to have all the music, drop the 10-12 bucks (new). Otherwise, I much prefer the music from Halo I.
Customer Review: First one was better
I'm a huge fan of the first CD so bought the second... It has some great tracks but overall I thought that the first one was better.
The Audacity of Hope: Thoughts on Reclaiming the American Dream
The Audacity of Hope: Thoughts on Reclaiming the American Dream
“A government that truly represents these Americans–that truly serves these Americans–will require a different kind of politics. That politics will need to reflect our lives as they are actually lived. It won’t be pre-packaged, ready to pull off the shelf. It will have to be constructed from the best of our traditions and will have to account for the darker aspects of our past. We will need to understand just how we got to this place, this land of warring factions and tribal hatreds. And we’ll need to remind ourselves, despite all our differences, just how much we share: common hopes, common dreams, a bond that will not break.”
–from The Audacity of Hope
In July 2004, Barack Obama electrified the Democratic National Convention with an address that spoke to Americans across the political spectrum. One phrase in particular anchored itself in listeners’ minds, a reminder that for all the discord and struggle to be found in our history as a nation, we have always been guided by a dogged optimism in the future, or what Senator Obama called “the audacity of hope.”
Now, in The Audacity of Hope, Senator Obama calls for a different brand of politics–a politics for those weary of bitter partisanship and alienated by the “endless clash of armies” we see in congress and on the campaign trail; a politics rooted in the faith, inclusiveness, and nobility of spirit at the heart of “our improbable experiment in democracy.” He explores those forces–from the fear of losing to the perpetual need to raise money to the power of the media–that can stifle even the best-intentioned politician. He also writes, with surprising intimacy and self-deprecating humor, about settling in as a senator, seeking to balance the demands of public service and family life, and his own deepening religious commitment.
At the heart of this book is Senator Obama’s vision of how we can move beyond our divisions to tackle concrete problems. He examines the growing economic insecurity of American families, the racial and religious tensions within the body politic, and the transnational threats–from terrorism to pandemic–that gather beyond our shores. And he grapples with the role that faith plays in a democracy–where it is vital and where it must never intrude. Underlying his stories about family, friends, members of the Senate, even the president, is a vigorous search for connection: the foundation for a radically hopeful political consensus.
A senator and a lawyer, a professor and a father, a Christian and a skeptic, and above all a student of history and human nature, Senator Obama has written a book of transforming power. Only by returning to the principles that gave birth to our Constitution, he says, can Americans repair a political process that is broken, and restore to working order a government that has fallen dangerously out of touch with millions of ordinary Americans. Those Americans are out there, he writes–“waiting for Republicans and Democrats to catch up with them.”
From the Hardcover edition.
Customer Review: The audacity of hope
I loved Barack Obamas Book
I hope and pray he is our new President.
Customer Review: Its Lightwieght Fluff-A publicity piece
The previous political books I've read this year have been: "The Good Fight"-Ralph Nader and "The New American Story"-Bill Bradley. Following those two incredibly intelligent and progressive books with fluff like Obama's was disappointing to say the least.
There is very little policy or discussion in the real meat and potatoes of issues. But mostly empty feel-good-isms, pointless personal stories, and a ham fisted attempt at niceness. Its a marketing and publicity piece for his campaign and nothing more. I'll probably still vote for him, in the knowledge that the cabinet and administration a president chooses gives the office its true power. But as it stands from everything I've read by him or heard him say; he's a lightweight.
If you are looking for a book with true substance, with a serious and workable outline for change, with full details on how to accomplish it and finance it, try "The New American Story" by Bill Bradley. It has answers and workable solutions to what the nation is facing. Audacity of Hope answered no questions and made no workable solutions. I was VERY disappointed.
Cookbook Holder - (Clear)
Cookbook Holder - (Clear)
This handy cookbook stand helps you read recipes while you cook. Clear, easy to clean acrylic page protector keeps book or magazine pages visible while preventing spills and splatters from damaging the recipe you're testing. Designed to sit on your kitchen counter so you can keep an eye on the new dish you're preparing as you follow the cooking instructions. This hands-free bookstand is also useful for holding reading materials while you eat or work on any project requiring both hands. Sized to accommodate most books and magazines: 12"w x 8 1/2"h x 3"d..
Customer Review: Great Gift Idea
I got this for my mom for christmas, she loves it and says it works great.
Customer Review: not good for bindings
I bought this clear cookbook holder to replace a similar one that broke after years of daily use. This new one really squashes down the pages and it is very difficult to use for thicker cookbooks. I'm worried that it will eventually lead to unnecessary wear and tear on the bindings.
book self publishing in the newsPussycat Theaters: A San Diego-Centric history, plus Confessions ... - San Diego ReaderMon, 14 Jul 2008 11:17:07 GMT
PR Newswire - iUniverse Launches New RISING STAR Program to Give Self-Published Authors Even Greater Opportunity for Commercial SuccessWed, 25 Jun 2008 07:00:00 GMT
June 25, 2008 -- Only program of its kind that guarantees author's book will be presented by National Sales Force to National, Regional and Local Booksellers...
How To Publish A Best Selling BookWed, 09 Jul 2008 20:24:15 -0700
How To Publish A Best Selling Book July 10, 2008 · Posted in Writing · Comment Having a book published is every writers dream. Whether it is a fiction book or a non-fiction or educational book that has been written; most people write a book in order to get it published. Read more Tags: Best Selling Book, Book Template, ebook Template, Publishing, Self Publishing
paperback books
Today's book self publishing ArticleParenting Books for the First 12 Months
Being a Parent
Being a parent is considered the hardest job in the world, and everyone needs a little help and advice from time to time. There are many books written by parenting experts and doctors to help guide you through your baby's first 12 months. It's okay to get advice and help from other people when it comes to raising your child. After all, babies don't come with an instruction manual. You'll find many books that can help you with such issues as breastfeeding, teething, nutrition, and parenting.
Parenting Books for the First 12 Months
These books are all great tools for parents who want to do a little research, or get some tips when it comes to raising children:
Mayo Clinic Complete Book of Pregnancy & Baby's First Year
Mayo Clinic
Hardcover, William Morrow & Company, 1994, ISBN # 0688117619
This book delves into the world of motherhood, exploring issues such as breastfeeding and the changes in a woman's body. Family issues and parenting advice are also offered.
The Contented Little Baby Book: The Simple Secrets of Calm, Confident Parenting
Ford, Gina
Paperback, New American Library, 2001, ISBN # 0451202430
This book discusses what's best for the baby, delving into sleeping and nutritional information to help guide you. Many simple strategies are featured in this book that will help parents establish rules and patterns to ensure the continued health and happiness of their child.
The Everything Get Ready for Baby Book: From Buying the Right Gear to Learning the Best Lullabies
Jones, Katina
Paperback, Adams Media Corporation, 1998, ISBN # 1558508449
This book is filled with invaluable advice about selecting a name, a pediatrician, and proper feeding methods. You can start preparing for your baby's arrival in advance with the advice found in the pages of this guide.
The Mother of All Baby Books
Douglas, Ann
Paperback, Hungry Minds, 2002, ISBN # 0764566164
This book explores healthy infant development, feeding, sleeping, and medical advice for the first year of your baby's life.
The Joy of Fatherhood: The First Twelve Months Expanded 2nd Edition (Paperback)
Marcus Jacob Goldman MD
Even fathers need help when it comes to raising a child, and there's no reason that new fathers should be left out. This book offers invaluable advice and tips for fathers who want to have a hands-on role in their child's early development.
Your Baby's First Year Week by Week
Glade B Curtis
ISBN: 1555612326
This book takes you week-by-week through your child's development, offering advice and tips through the earliest stages of your baby's development.
Rookie Dad: Fun and Easy Exercises and Games for Dads and Babies in Their First Year
Susan Fox
For fathers who want to find ways to connect with their child, this book offers great advice and activities. You want your child to get to know you as soon as possible, and some fathers feel a little left out of the special mother-child bond that arises. This book helps fathers get close to their children, beginning at an early age.
Keeping the Baby Alive till Your Wife Gets Home
Walter Roark
This humorous look at fatherhood is one that new fathers will immediately identify with. This book can serve as a guide to fathers who are inexperienced when it comes to babies ? as so many of them are.
When it comes to raising your baby, you can never learn too much. Check out some of these parenting books for the first 12 months of your baby's life to get started on the right foot when it comes to parenthood.
Jacqueline Courtiol, M.A. Ed. is a veteran teacher, mother and business owner. She is the founder/co-developer of Colic Calm Gripe Water a natural homeopathic remedies for relief of infant colic and gas that is recommended by pediatricians, doulas and lactation consultants. More information about colic can be found here: Colic Information. | |
Featured book self publishing Items4" H Brushed Silver Monogram Letters - Letter "P"
4" H Brushed Silver Monogram Letters - Letter "P"
All 26 English Letters (capitals only) and "&" symbol available. Monograms can be created using different letter sizes if desired. These Brushed Silver Monogram Letters can also be used to personalize other decorations. Add to centerpieces, buffet tables, guest book tables, wherever... a perfect way to create a "signature" look.
Saitek P990 Dual Analog Game Pad
Saitek P990 Dual Analog Game Pad
Instantly configure your pad's controls to the perfect set-up for First Person Shooter games with a single button press. The ergonomic controls with soft touch handles increase grip and comfort during hours of gameplay. Advanced programming is provided by Saitek Smart Technology (SST) software. System Requirement: Windows XP & XP64
Customer Review: Not as good as the last one, but...
I bought this controller to replace my old Saitek P880, the previous iteration of this controller, which finally gave out on me after four years of abuse.
For the most part this is still a good, solid controller, except for one factor - The D-pad, compared to the one on my P880, feels incredibly cheap and sometimes sticks, and did so right out of the box. The feel of the other buttons is similar or identical, but the D-pad is rather annoying for games I use it in when it triggers. Mind you, it's maybe one time out of a hundred and fifty or so, but still annoying when it happens.
For the record, I use the controller for the games Phantasy Star Universe and Phantasy Star Online: Blue Burst, which are both third-person action games, and the d-pad is used only for menus. For what it's worth, if you play Phantasy Star Universe, this is the only controller I've found that actually has enough buttons for all the functions you can map to a controller, finally removing my need to still use the keyboard for certain things.
If you like controllers with six face buttons rather than the four-button layout that seems to be more common, this is a good one to get, just mind that there can be issues with the D-pad. If your game doesn't use the D-pad, then there isn't a problem I can think of.
Customer Review: Solid control but poor programming software
Overall i am pleased with this gamepad. It works great as long as the game itself has a good control setup of its own as i found the downloadable programming software to be somewhat frustrating. it really isn't very user friendly or pretty(just a minor grip). for some reason assigned buttons just randomly won't do what they are supposed to and have to be reassigned and then still might not work. it shouldn't be difficult or take this much effort to program a controller. however once setup it is very nice.
My Favorite Recipes Blank Cookbook Organizer
My Favorite Recipes Blank Cookbook Organizer
Create your own cookbook! Keep all your favorite family recipes in one handy place with our blank cookbook organizer. Organized into 6 chapters from breakfasts to desserts...there are even 3 blank chapters to name your own, plus dozens of tips. Hardcover cookbook organizer, 224 pages.
Customer Review: Perfect
Just what I was looking for! Has plenty of pages and looks/feels sturdy. Now to sit down and actually write in my recipes from all the random pieces of paper i've got everywhere... I swear i've lost more good recipes than some people find in a lifetime!
Customer Review: Perfect Recipe Book
I purchased 2 recipe books so I could enter all of our family recipes for my daughters to give them on Mother's Day...I am totally delited...each page is lined for easy writing and there is plenty of space designated for ingredients and below that plenty of space for instructions. I highly recommend this book if you are looking for lined pages that are well organized.
Colon Health by Dr. Norman Walker
Colon Health by Dr. Norman Walker
Colon Health by Dr. Norman Walker Features & SpecificationsColon Health by Dr. Norman Walker Book DescriptionColon Health will take this forgotten part of your body and focus your full attention on it--and you'll never again take it for granted. This book shows how every organ, gland, and cell in the body is affected by the condition of the large intestine.About the AuthorDr. Norman Walker is the longest-lived, widely-known raw-foodist of the modern era. Thousands upon thousands of people credit Dr. Walker's live-vegetable-juice therapy for healing them of "incurable" diseases, including Jay Kordich, known to the world as "The Juiceman." When Jay Kordich had cancer, he met and was tremendously inspired by Dr. Walker. After healing himself of cancer through The Raw-Food Diet and juice therapy, Jay worked with Dr. Walker beginning in the 1940s up until Dr. Walker's death in the mid-80's at an age of well over 100.For more than 100 years, Norman W. Walker, Ph.D., proved through research and experience that well-being and long life go hand-in-hand. Through the non-stop activities of raw-food enthusiasts, such as Nature's First Law, modern day nutritionists and medical researchers are finally discovering the raw truths which Dr. Walker knew and taught throughout the twentieth century. Dr. Walker was living proof that a longer, healthier, more enjoyable life is achieved through The Raw-Food Diet, mental poise, and intelligent body care. Dr. Walker's contributions to the common heritage of humankind began before the turn of the century in London, where as a young man he became seriously ill due to over-work and stress. Unable to accept a sentence of ill-health and early death, Dr. Walker healed himself with living foods and vegetable juices. Among Dr. Walker's greatest contributions was his discovery of the therapeutic value of fresh vegetable juices and in 1930, the development of what would become known as the Norwalk Press Juicer. The present "juicing" craze is direct
Easy Reader Reading Stand
Easy Reader Reading Stand
A versatile and strong book stand that positions papers or heavy books exactly where you need them. You can select from 6 angles, place your book on the sturdy platform and use the page-holder to keep the pages flat. It folds flat for storage or can be used as a legal-size clipboard with a broad writing surface.
Platform measures 14 x 9 inches
Customer Review: Great for mobile workers and readers of all kinds
I discovered the Easy Reader is a cafe in Berkeley about 15 years ago, and have used them ever since. They're fantastic. I almost never use them as a clipboard, but as a reading stand, it's indispensable. I still have my original readers, and they'veheld up very well. The elastic band that helps the two halves snap closed wears out after a while, but it's not necessary-- the reader works perfectly well without it.
Easy Reader Reading Stand
Halo 2, Vol. 2
Halo 2, Vol. 2
Original Score Composed and Produced By Martin O'Donnell and Michael Salvatori. Album Produced by Nile Rodgers. Executive Producer Sandy Ting.
The Long Awaited Halo 2 Volume Two!!
Customer Review: Why wasn't this on the fist album?
It is curious that the Halo 2 soundtrack was broken into two separate CD's in the first place, instead of just the 4 songs from the major bands that weren't part of the game. If you are true fan and just have to have all the music, drop the 10-12 bucks (new). Otherwise, I much prefer the music from Halo I.
Customer Review: First one was better
I'm a huge fan of the first CD so bought the second... It has some great tracks but overall I thought that the first one was better.
The Audacity of Hope: Thoughts on Reclaiming the American Dream
The Audacity of Hope: Thoughts on Reclaiming the American Dream
“A government that truly represents these Americans–that truly serves these Americans–will require a different kind of politics. That politics will need to reflect our lives as they are actually lived. It won’t be pre-packaged, ready to pull off the shelf. It will have to be constructed from the best of our traditions and will have to account for the darker aspects of our past. We will need to understand just how we got to this place, this land of warring factions and tribal hatreds. And we’ll need to remind ourselves, despite all our differences, just how much we share: common hopes, common dreams, a bond that will not break.”
–from The Audacity of Hope
In July 2004, Barack Obama electrified the Democratic National Convention with an address that spoke to Americans across the political spectrum. One phrase in particular anchored itself in listeners’ minds, a reminder that for all the discord and struggle to be found in our history as a nation, we have always been guided by a dogged optimism in the future, or what Senator Obama called “the audacity of hope.”
Now, in The Audacity of Hope, Senator Obama calls for a different brand of politics–a politics for those weary of bitter partisanship and alienated by the “endless clash of armies” we see in congress and on the campaign trail; a politics rooted in the faith, inclusiveness, and nobility of spirit at the heart of “our improbable experiment in democracy.” He explores those forces–from the fear of losing to the perpetual need to raise money to the power of the media–that can stifle even the best-intentioned politician. He also writes, with surprising intimacy and self-deprecating humor, about settling in as a senator, seeking to balance the demands of public service and family life, and his own deepening religious commitment.
At the heart of this book is Senator Obama’s vision of how we can move beyond our divisions to tackle concrete problems. He examines the growing economic insecurity of American families, the racial and religious tensions within the body politic, and the transnational threats–from terrorism to pandemic–that gather beyond our shores. And he grapples with the role that faith plays in a democracy–where it is vital and where it must never intrude. Underlying his stories about family, friends, members of the Senate, even the president, is a vigorous search for connection: the foundation for a radically hopeful political consensus.
A senator and a lawyer, a professor and a father, a Christian and a skeptic, and above all a student of history and human nature, Senator Obama has written a book of transforming power. Only by returning to the principles that gave birth to our Constitution, he says, can Americans repair a political process that is broken, and restore to working order a government that has fallen dangerously out of touch with millions of ordinary Americans. Those Americans are out there, he writes–“waiting for Republicans and Democrats to catch up with them.”
From the Hardcover edition.
Customer Review: The audacity of hope
I loved Barack Obamas Book
I hope and pray he is our new President.
Customer Review: Its Lightwieght Fluff-A publicity piece
The previous political books I've read this year have been: "The Good Fight"-Ralph Nader and "The New American Story"-Bill Bradley. Following those two incredibly intelligent and progressive books with fluff like Obama's was disappointing to say the least.
There is very little policy or discussion in the real meat and potatoes of issues. But mostly empty feel-good-isms, pointless personal stories, and a ham fisted attempt at niceness. Its a marketing and publicity piece for his campaign and nothing more. I'll probably still vote for him, in the knowledge that the cabinet and administration a president chooses gives the office its true power. But as it stands from everything I've read by him or heard him say; he's a lightweight.
If you are looking for a book with true substance, with a serious and workable outline for change, with full details on how to accomplish it and finance it, try "The New American Story" by Bill Bradley. It has answers and workable solutions to what the nation is facing. Audacity of Hope answered no questions and made no workable solutions. I was VERY disappointed.
Cookbook Holder - (Clear)
Cookbook Holder - (Clear)
This handy cookbook stand helps you read recipes while you cook. Clear, easy to clean acrylic page protector keeps book or magazine pages visible while preventing spills and splatters from damaging the recipe you're testing. Designed to sit on your kitchen counter so you can keep an eye on the new dish you're preparing as you follow the cooking instructions. This hands-free bookstand is also useful for holding reading materials while you eat or work on any project requiring both hands. Sized to accommodate most books and magazines: 12"w x 8 1/2"h x 3"d..
Customer Review: Great Gift Idea
I got this for my mom for christmas, she loves it and says it works great.
Customer Review: not good for bindings
I bought this clear cookbook holder to replace a similar one that broke after years of daily use. This new one really squashes down the pages and it is very difficult to use for thicker cookbooks. I'm worried that it will eventually lead to unnecessary wear and tear on the bindings.
book self publishing in the newsPussycat Theaters: A San Diego-Centric history, plus Confessions ... - San Diego ReaderMon, 14 Jul 2008 11:17:07 GMT
PR Newswire - iUniverse Launches New RISING STAR Program to Give Self-Published Authors Even Greater Opportunity for Commercial SuccessWed, 25 Jun 2008 07:00:00 GMT
June 25, 2008 -- Only program of its kind that guarantees author's book will be presented by National Sales Force to National, Regional and Local Booksellers...
How To Publish A Best Selling BookWed, 09 Jul 2008 20:24:15 -0700
How To Publish A Best Selling Book July 10, 2008 · Posted in Writing · Comment Having a book published is every writers dream. Whether it is a fiction book or a non-fiction or educational book that has been written; most people write a book in order to get it published. Read more Tags: Best Selling Book, Book Template, ebook Template, Publishing, Self Publishing
paperback books
It is very much feasible that you may think differently about christian discount books once you complete reading this abstract on christian discount books. Keep speculating!
A christian discount books Artilce for Your ViewingBoard-Certified Family Physician's New Books Show Americans "How to Overcome Obesity Forever"
Dr. Janet L. Bruno has devoted her life to the improvement of the health and well being of the American public. She is a recognized authority on obesity and widely respected for her patient advocacy efforts. She is the author of two books, Overcome Obesity Forever and Weight Loss Surgery Secrets.
Dr. Bruno received her medical degree from the University of Washington in Seattle. She was selected by her first residency choice and began an intense General Surgery/Plastic Surgery training program at Georgetown University Medical Center. After two years of this, she opted to obtain broader, total-person medical training, and switched her specialty to Family Practice. She completed three more years of training at the Ventura County Medical Center.
After her medical training, she began serving with the US Air Force. She completed Flight Surgery School, and subsequently served at Davis Monthan AFB in Tucson, AZ as a flight surgeon. She cared for the C-130 and A-10 pilots, as well as navigators, air traffic controllers, and their respective families. Throughout this experience, Dr. Bruno was actively involved with public health and patient education.
After leaving the AFB, she worked in a blue-collar HMO-oriented clinic. She also worked in a cash-only, celebrity-laden practice in Southern California, which focused primarily on weight concerns and behavioral modifications. She also held the helm as Medical Director for a multi-facility medical program providing care to the underprivileged and neglected members of our society.
During her ten years of diverse medical experience, Dr. Bruno began focusing more intently on the issue of obesity ? which she saw as the primary health issue facing America today. After intimately experiencing the struggles through her patients? eyes, and recognizing the extreme limitations of the current medical system to make progress, she made a radical decision to leave clinical medicine and focus solely on educating and empowering individuals with the knowledge, skills and tools necessary to win the war against obesity.
During an interview, Dr. Bruno addressed why she left clinical medicine: ?In today?s busy medical clinic system, a patient rarely has more than 10-15 minutes with a doctor. That is simply not enough time to make progress with an issue as complex as obesity. I saw more and more of my patients succumb to unnecessary complications, due to their worsening obesity. I realized I simply had to do something to help. I realized that I have had great results with my patients in helping them reach and maintain their weight loss goals - -yet I knew I could do so much more. I have the expertise, the passion and the desire. That is when I decided to step into a teacher and coach role, and to use the power of the internet to reach as many people as possible. I feel that I will be able to impact the lives and health of so many more people in this role than I ever could as a physician seeing patients one-by-one.?
Although her emphasis is on obesity as a whole, she places extreme importance on the necessity for individuals to become educated on the role of weight loss surgery. There is a tremendous amount of misinformation about this subject, and she sees it as her personal mission to erase the myths and provide clarity. She has this to say on the subject: ?Weight loss surgery is by no means a ?band-aid? and it is certainly not for everyone. However, for those who do qualify, this can be an avenue to significantly improve your life ? as it has for thousands of others. As a physician who is not a practicing surgeon, I have no ulterior motive whatsoever. It is appropriate for some people and not at all appropriate for others. I simply feel it is essential for those struggling with severe obesity to be fully informed of their options. Weight loss surgery is an option, and should be considered simply as that. Only with this complete knowledge can they make the best decision for themselves as to whether this is something right for them or not.? Her second book, Weight Loss Surgery Secrets specifically deals with this subject. The subtitle is: ?What Every Obese Person Should Know About Weight Loss Surgery (and what your medical professional is not telling you).? It is a comprehensive A-to-Z consumer?s guide written in an informative, easy-to-read, and non-biased perspective.
Dr. Bruno and her husband reside in Arizona. Her interests beyond advocacy follow her deep sense of volunteerism and ?paying it forward.? She has performed a wide variety of volunteer medical trips to the developing world ? specifically, Kenya, India, Honduras, Brazil and Mexico. She also served in the US Peace Corps in Kenya prior to medical school. Currently, she is pouring all of these efforts into creating the very best obesity nationwide advocacy program available.
Check Dr. Janet L. Bruno?s credentials at and check out her new book, Overcome Obesity Forever.
This 34-page ebook addresses the biggest health concern facing America ? that of the growing ?epidemic? of obesity.
Specifically, in an easy-to-understand manner, the following subjects are covered:
1. The medical definition of obesity
Obesity needs to be recognized as a disease
How many people struggle with this disease
2. The Body Mass Index Explained
A user-friendly chart
Explanation of what your number means
3. The real causes of obesity
Genetic Factors
Environmental Factors
Behavioral Factors
4. The risks of obesity
The immense medical risks
The social effects
The career effects
The psychological costs
5. The Solutions to obesity
The medical solution ? explained in full detail
The surgical solution ? explained briefly as an option
6. How to determine which solution is right for you
7. Action steps to get started!
Richard J. Roll, American Homeowners Association (AHA)? Founder and President, created the AHA in 1994 after speaking to thousands of homeowners and discovering that they were facing similar problems ? high costs, no clout, little knowledge. The AHA helps homeowners and first-time homebuyers obtain the most value for their homes, build equity, avoid common pitfalls, and save $1000s on home improvements and home maintenance. Now the world?s leading homeowner?s savings, benefits and advocacy membership group, since its inception, AHA has served over 1 million homeowners and first-time home buyers and helps them to capture the most value in their homes, and make wiser decisions regarding home buying, selling, financing, maintenance and home improvements. | |
christian discount books Products we recommendGet Well Soon Chicken Soup Gift Basket - Gift Tote
Get Well Soon Chicken Soup Gift Basket - Gift Tote
Contrary to the optical illusion, there is no need to look for a can opener! Our eye-catching paperboard gift tote provides an effortless assortment that is sure to bring a smile and make anyone feel better. It holds Feel Good Snack Mix, Chocolate Chip Pound Cake, Pirouline Wafer Rolls, Raspberry Tea Cookies, Assorted Napoleon Belgian Bonbons, soothing Blueberry Tea, and Chicken Noodle Soup Mix. Each gift is carefully hand packed, topped with a bow and includes a personalized gift message from you! HOSPITAL DELIVERIES: We will gladly ship your gift direct to a hospital patients room but highly encourage you to ship instead to a caregiver or loved one who can hand deliver your gift to the hospital. It has been our experience that patients are often moved or released early missing their thoughtful gift from you. To determine when your gift will be delivered, please click on the "View Shipping Rates and Policy" link below:
Customer Review: disappointed
I sent this to my sick mother whom I don't live close enough to take care of and I was disappointed. There were several items that were substituted and not substituted equally for what you are expecting. The description makes it sound much nicer than it actually is.
Customer Review: Get Well Soon Chicken basket
I recently ordered your Get Well Soon Chicken Basket for my daughter who Had surgery. She was very pleased with the order and said it brought back memories of when she was little and chicken soup was cure for everything.
She loved the tote bag and said "she couldn't think of anything nicer to cheer someone up. Thank you!
Smart CycleTM Diego's Rainforest Adventure
Smart CycleTM Diego's Rainforest Adventure
Smart CycleTM Diego's Rainforest Adventure
Go on a Rainforest Adventure with Diego! Diego's Rainforest Adventure lets you drive around and explore the flora and fauna of the Rainforest while learning about animals. Use Click, an animal locator/telescopic camera to take pictures of Diego's animal f
Diego's Rainforest Adventure lets you drive around and explore the flora and fauna of the Rainforest while learning about animals. Use Click, an animal locator/telescopic camera to take pictures of Diego's animal friends while driving.
View the animals in Diego's Photo Album. Help Diego rescue his animal friends and earn your very own Animal Rescue Patch ? just like Diego!
Curriculum includes Animal Facts, Matching and Patterns, Letters, Counting and Introduction to Spanish Words.
Customer Review: Fun and educational
My grandaughther loved this product. She is a avid fan of Dora and Diego and she was able to share the wonderful experience of learning and having fun.
Customer Review: Fun for 5 year old!
My son loves this game! He spends at least an hour riding the stationary smart cycle bike.
Targus TLE300 15.4 Leather Notebook Case
Targus TLE300 15.4 Leather Notebook Case
TARGUS TLE300 -- Protect your portable computing investment, and travel in style, with this elegantly practical Black Leather Notebook Case. Interior dimensions - 11.6H x 14W x 2D
Customer Review: Works well for my Mac!
My main concern was this was going to be a PC centric bag with no thought for the Mac. Well, it fits my Macbook Pro just perfectly and safely. I can store all the extras in the outside pocket and have plenty of room for incidentals, as well as have the other side for paperwork I don't want to be turned into premature recyclable pulp. My only wish was they had a genuine Brown, non-dyed version. I could find no other manufacturer making a nicer model in natural color so this seemed to be the best bet. I've had it for a while now and it's been working out just fine.
Customer Review: great case
I received the notebook case in just a few days from my order and was very pleasantly surprised by the quality of the case. The service was excellent and I would by from this vendor again.
Western Digital 320 GB Scorpio Sata 5400 Rpm 8MB 2.5IN
Western Digital 320 GB Scorpio Sata 5400 Rpm 8MB 2.5IN
WD Scorpio 5400 RPM 2.5-inch SATA hard drives deliver lightning-fast and ultra-quiet performance hand-in-hand with low power consumption. In addition, they are designed with ruggedness, reliability, and data-protection features that actively watch over valuable data. The 320 GB WD Scorpio hard drives is designed for portable digital devices including SATA compatible notebook computers, and digital media players. 320GB can hold Up to 91,400 digital photos; Up to 80,000 songs (MP3); Up to 8,000 songs (uncompressed CD quality); Up to 24 hours of Digital Video (DV); Up to 140 hours of DVD quality video; Up to 38 hours of HD video (720p or 1080i) Formatted Capacity 320,072 MB / Capacity 320 GB Interface SATA 3 Gb/s Unit Dimensions Height 0.374 inch x Length 3.94 inch x Width 2.75 inch; Weight 0.26 Pounds
Customer Review: I am very pleased with this smooth and enormous storage drive
I bought this item on AMAZON March'08 to upgrade my laptop from 120 GB to this massive 320 GB. Assembly was a piece of cake. The drive has been running smoothly and does not make any noise whatsoever. I am happy that I could get rid of my older TOSHIBA HD that had been making lots of spindle noise lately. Now, I can store all my favorite music numbers and movies on my HD and watch/listen to them on the GO. I'll use my old TOSHIBA drive as an external drive for sometime as I just bought an enclosure on AMAZON for 25 bucks.
Customer Review: Great product
Its a great hard disk which is extremely silent. The delivery was timely and the drive was appropriately packaged. I've installed it in my Lenovo Laptop and its highly recommended for upgrading your laptop.
Open Season
Open Season
Open Season is a riotous romp in the great outdoors, where rowdy forest animals turns the tables on unsuspecting hunters. When a domesticated grizzly named Boog leaves the creature comforts of home with a mule deer named Elliot, he finds himself lost in the woods just three days before hunting season. Forced to "rough it" in the great outdoors, Boog goes native, rallying all the forest animals to take back their home and send the hunters packing.
Customer Review: so-so, wish it was longer.
Super cute.
Even though I am an adult, I love kids games.
BUT the game is so short. It took just a few short hours to complete.
Customer Review: All Game -- No Violence
What I love most about this game is that it doesn't have violence even though it's got a hunting theme. The animals are lovable characters, and it's good to get a game that both small boys and girls can enjoy -- and of course everyone older too!
There should be more family oriented X-Box 360 games like this one.
Western Digital WDG2NC10000N My Book World Edition II 1 TB Ethernet External Hard Drive
Western Digital WDG2NC10000N My Book World Edition II 1 TB Ethernet External Hard Drive
Designed for home users, creative professionals, workgroups, small offices and anyone looking for shared storage, WD's MyBook World Edition II offers a surprisingly simple and secure way to access and share data, pictures, and music anywhere in the world. The dual-drive network storage system combines 1 TB of storage, versatile RAID capability, backup software, user-serviceability and remote access software to make it the most versatile and powerful remote access storage system in its class. Weight - 5.88 pounds (2.67 kg)
Customer Review: BUYER BEWARE!
A lot of reviews here talk to the MioNet and "WD Anywhere" problems. I'm going to talk about the drive itself and WD's customer support. I have always loved WD drives, their hard drives have always been reliable, and on the rare occasions that they do fail, WDs policy of shipping you a new drive before you have to ship the old drive back has been a godsend. But with this device, WD just can't get their act together.
When I first bought it, I was actually quite happy with it. Then one of the internal drives failed. No big deal, right? They will just ship you a new drive and you can swap them and be up and running. WRONG!!! They won't ship a new drive, they will only ship a new unit. OK that's fine, I will just swap a single internal drive and again be up and running.. Nope! The device won't boot up any more. Nor will the new device boot up with the old (good) hard drive that has all my data on it. So I send it back to WD again. The next device they send won't even power on. Try again.. the next device they send is physically broken. And now? I have gone through 4 drives. Oh, did I mention that every time I called support I was on hold for a minimum of 20 minutes, and that every person I talked to had a very thick accent - very difficult to understand.
This "adventure" with WD has so soured me that I am hesitant to buy any WD product again, even the normal drives I used to trust and love. The box advertises RAID-1 so that you won't lose your data, but after a month of playing with this, I still don't have a working drive, and I'm still on hold. I was able to recover my data by burning a Linux rescue CD and hooking the drive up to my regular PC, an ordeal that took about 3 days of constant babysitting. Certainly not "RAID-1" ease of use, but at least I got my data back. Now if I can just get my money back.
Customer Review: No free lunch, just a cheap NAS solution.
I'll make this short.
This is a network-enabled box with two hard drives in it. You can swap out the drives any time and upgrade, replace, swap, and so forth. If you use the included software, you'll probably be disappointed with MioNet, as it only runs on XP and only after some hurdles. Also, the included EMC software has been dumbed down a little too much to be useful.
However, if you're in possession of a brain, and learned to read, you can access the drive's interface, create a new shared subdirectory, and mount it as a drive letter on any system in your home network. Them, using whatever backup solution you like, get to work backing up your files. Which it does. Perfectly.
Folks, it's this simple. It's a cheap NAS. If you bought it thinking it's a full-fledged file server that will let you access your pirated DVDs from Florida, well, maybe it will and and maybe it won't. I wasn't trying to fool myself, though. A real NAS solution costs upwards of $800 before you add one hard drive. You can't get something for nothing.
The World's Lightest Book Light - Just 1 Oz! High-Efficiency LED - No Cords
The World's Lightest Book Light - Just 1 Oz! High-Efficiency LED - No Cords
Say goodbye to large cumbersome book lights that burn through batteries quickly or require being tethered to AC adapters - this little wonder produces an amazing amount of light with advanced LED technology. Pure white light without the high-heat of regular incandescent bulbs--plus the LED lasts up to 100,000 hours. Also makes a great map-reading light in the car. Color may vary from item pictured. One-year warranty and Jack's Tool Shed worry-free Satisfaction Guarantee. Shipped with clear plastic tab between batteries to prevent accidental battery drain--simply pull out to remove before using.
Say goodbye to those unwanted pounds, end diet frustration, and break free from that defeating Yo-Yo cycle forever. The Richard Simmons' SlimAway program includes everything you need to lose weight and learn healthy habits to help you keep the weight off. Are you ready to take the SlimAway 30-Day Challenge? Terrific! This program is effortless; combining fun, food, and weight loss with everything you have to do and eat so you don't have to think about it. Start losing weight NOW! Note: This listing is for the Foodmover BINDER and accompanying recipes and guides. It does NOT include any of the Richard Simmons Foodmover Program Cards (Gold, Silver etc.). Those are sold separately.
Customer Review: Richard Simmons
This book is a great journal of Richard Simmons wonderful suggestions and motivations to help in getting fit. I am using it with the food mover and find the size easy to carry.
Customer Review: Informative
This bookelt is very informative, easy to follow bu the food mover should be purchased to further assist you in reaching your goal.
Current christian discount books NewsBooks-A-Million Opens in Kissimmee, Florida - Business Wire (press release)Thu, 26 Jun 2008 14:06:29 GMT
Books-A-Million Opens in Kissimmee, FloridaBusiness Wire (press release), CA - Jun 26, 2008Specialty sections will include: Faithpoint – featuring an immense selection of Bibles, Christian Living and Christian Fiction books. ... |
Victims of Domestic Violence Women's Support Group - Steuben CourierSat, 12 Jul 2008 14:02:50 GMT
New Kids In The FlockWed, 09 Apr 2008 07:00:00 GMT
The Price is WHAT? June 4th, 2008 May 28th, 2008 Fleeced While students across Oregon celebrate graduation, many are facing a gnawing problem - they're getting sheared by huge debt.
Labels: book for sale | personalized books | nursing books
A christian discount books Artilce for Your ViewingBoard-Certified Family Physician's New Books Show Americans "How to Overcome Obesity Forever"
Dr. Janet L. Bruno has devoted her life to the improvement of the health and well being of the American public. She is a recognized authority on obesity and widely respected for her patient advocacy efforts. She is the author of two books, Overcome Obesity Forever and Weight Loss Surgery Secrets.
Dr. Bruno received her medical degree from the University of Washington in Seattle. She was selected by her first residency choice and began an intense General Surgery/Plastic Surgery training program at Georgetown University Medical Center. After two years of this, she opted to obtain broader, total-person medical training, and switched her specialty to Family Practice. She completed three more years of training at the Ventura County Medical Center.
After her medical training, she began serving with the US Air Force. She completed Flight Surgery School, and subsequently served at Davis Monthan AFB in Tucson, AZ as a flight surgeon. She cared for the C-130 and A-10 pilots, as well as navigators, air traffic controllers, and their respective families. Throughout this experience, Dr. Bruno was actively involved with public health and patient education.
After leaving the AFB, she worked in a blue-collar HMO-oriented clinic. She also worked in a cash-only, celebrity-laden practice in Southern California, which focused primarily on weight concerns and behavioral modifications. She also held the helm as Medical Director for a multi-facility medical program providing care to the underprivileged and neglected members of our society.
During her ten years of diverse medical experience, Dr. Bruno began focusing more intently on the issue of obesity ? which she saw as the primary health issue facing America today. After intimately experiencing the struggles through her patients? eyes, and recognizing the extreme limitations of the current medical system to make progress, she made a radical decision to leave clinical medicine and focus solely on educating and empowering individuals with the knowledge, skills and tools necessary to win the war against obesity.
During an interview, Dr. Bruno addressed why she left clinical medicine: ?In today?s busy medical clinic system, a patient rarely has more than 10-15 minutes with a doctor. That is simply not enough time to make progress with an issue as complex as obesity. I saw more and more of my patients succumb to unnecessary complications, due to their worsening obesity. I realized I simply had to do something to help. I realized that I have had great results with my patients in helping them reach and maintain their weight loss goals - -yet I knew I could do so much more. I have the expertise, the passion and the desire. That is when I decided to step into a teacher and coach role, and to use the power of the internet to reach as many people as possible. I feel that I will be able to impact the lives and health of so many more people in this role than I ever could as a physician seeing patients one-by-one.?
Although her emphasis is on obesity as a whole, she places extreme importance on the necessity for individuals to become educated on the role of weight loss surgery. There is a tremendous amount of misinformation about this subject, and she sees it as her personal mission to erase the myths and provide clarity. She has this to say on the subject: ?Weight loss surgery is by no means a ?band-aid? and it is certainly not for everyone. However, for those who do qualify, this can be an avenue to significantly improve your life ? as it has for thousands of others. As a physician who is not a practicing surgeon, I have no ulterior motive whatsoever. It is appropriate for some people and not at all appropriate for others. I simply feel it is essential for those struggling with severe obesity to be fully informed of their options. Weight loss surgery is an option, and should be considered simply as that. Only with this complete knowledge can they make the best decision for themselves as to whether this is something right for them or not.? Her second book, Weight Loss Surgery Secrets specifically deals with this subject. The subtitle is: ?What Every Obese Person Should Know About Weight Loss Surgery (and what your medical professional is not telling you).? It is a comprehensive A-to-Z consumer?s guide written in an informative, easy-to-read, and non-biased perspective.
Dr. Bruno and her husband reside in Arizona. Her interests beyond advocacy follow her deep sense of volunteerism and ?paying it forward.? She has performed a wide variety of volunteer medical trips to the developing world ? specifically, Kenya, India, Honduras, Brazil and Mexico. She also served in the US Peace Corps in Kenya prior to medical school. Currently, she is pouring all of these efforts into creating the very best obesity nationwide advocacy program available.
Check Dr. Janet L. Bruno?s credentials at and check out her new book, Overcome Obesity Forever.
This 34-page ebook addresses the biggest health concern facing America ? that of the growing ?epidemic? of obesity.
Specifically, in an easy-to-understand manner, the following subjects are covered:
1. The medical definition of obesity
Obesity needs to be recognized as a disease
How many people struggle with this disease
2. The Body Mass Index Explained
A user-friendly chart
Explanation of what your number means
3. The real causes of obesity
Genetic Factors
Environmental Factors
Behavioral Factors
4. The risks of obesity
The immense medical risks
The social effects
The career effects
The psychological costs
5. The Solutions to obesity
The medical solution ? explained in full detail
The surgical solution ? explained briefly as an option
6. How to determine which solution is right for you
7. Action steps to get started!
Richard J. Roll, American Homeowners Association (AHA)? Founder and President, created the AHA in 1994 after speaking to thousands of homeowners and discovering that they were facing similar problems ? high costs, no clout, little knowledge. The AHA helps homeowners and first-time homebuyers obtain the most value for their homes, build equity, avoid common pitfalls, and save $1000s on home improvements and home maintenance. Now the world?s leading homeowner?s savings, benefits and advocacy membership group, since its inception, AHA has served over 1 million homeowners and first-time home buyers and helps them to capture the most value in their homes, and make wiser decisions regarding home buying, selling, financing, maintenance and home improvements. | |
christian discount books Products we recommendGet Well Soon Chicken Soup Gift Basket - Gift Tote
Get Well Soon Chicken Soup Gift Basket - Gift Tote
Contrary to the optical illusion, there is no need to look for a can opener! Our eye-catching paperboard gift tote provides an effortless assortment that is sure to bring a smile and make anyone feel better. It holds Feel Good Snack Mix, Chocolate Chip Pound Cake, Pirouline Wafer Rolls, Raspberry Tea Cookies, Assorted Napoleon Belgian Bonbons, soothing Blueberry Tea, and Chicken Noodle Soup Mix. Each gift is carefully hand packed, topped with a bow and includes a personalized gift message from you! HOSPITAL DELIVERIES: We will gladly ship your gift direct to a hospital patients room but highly encourage you to ship instead to a caregiver or loved one who can hand deliver your gift to the hospital. It has been our experience that patients are often moved or released early missing their thoughtful gift from you. To determine when your gift will be delivered, please click on the "View Shipping Rates and Policy" link below:
Customer Review: disappointed
I sent this to my sick mother whom I don't live close enough to take care of and I was disappointed. There were several items that were substituted and not substituted equally for what you are expecting. The description makes it sound much nicer than it actually is.
Customer Review: Get Well Soon Chicken basket
I recently ordered your Get Well Soon Chicken Basket for my daughter who Had surgery. She was very pleased with the order and said it brought back memories of when she was little and chicken soup was cure for everything.
She loved the tote bag and said "she couldn't think of anything nicer to cheer someone up. Thank you!
Smart CycleTM Diego's Rainforest Adventure
Smart CycleTM Diego's Rainforest Adventure
Smart CycleTM Diego's Rainforest Adventure
Go on a Rainforest Adventure with Diego! Diego's Rainforest Adventure lets you drive around and explore the flora and fauna of the Rainforest while learning about animals. Use Click, an animal locator/telescopic camera to take pictures of Diego's animal f
Diego's Rainforest Adventure lets you drive around and explore the flora and fauna of the Rainforest while learning about animals. Use Click, an animal locator/telescopic camera to take pictures of Diego's animal friends while driving.
View the animals in Diego's Photo Album. Help Diego rescue his animal friends and earn your very own Animal Rescue Patch ? just like Diego!
Curriculum includes Animal Facts, Matching and Patterns, Letters, Counting and Introduction to Spanish Words.
Customer Review: Fun and educational
My grandaughther loved this product. She is a avid fan of Dora and Diego and she was able to share the wonderful experience of learning and having fun.
Customer Review: Fun for 5 year old!
My son loves this game! He spends at least an hour riding the stationary smart cycle bike.
Targus TLE300 15.4 Leather Notebook Case
Targus TLE300 15.4 Leather Notebook Case
TARGUS TLE300 -- Protect your portable computing investment, and travel in style, with this elegantly practical Black Leather Notebook Case. Interior dimensions - 11.6H x 14W x 2D
Customer Review: Works well for my Mac!
My main concern was this was going to be a PC centric bag with no thought for the Mac. Well, it fits my Macbook Pro just perfectly and safely. I can store all the extras in the outside pocket and have plenty of room for incidentals, as well as have the other side for paperwork I don't want to be turned into premature recyclable pulp. My only wish was they had a genuine Brown, non-dyed version. I could find no other manufacturer making a nicer model in natural color so this seemed to be the best bet. I've had it for a while now and it's been working out just fine.
Customer Review: great case
I received the notebook case in just a few days from my order and was very pleasantly surprised by the quality of the case. The service was excellent and I would by from this vendor again.
Western Digital 320 GB Scorpio Sata 5400 Rpm 8MB 2.5IN
Western Digital 320 GB Scorpio Sata 5400 Rpm 8MB 2.5IN
WD Scorpio 5400 RPM 2.5-inch SATA hard drives deliver lightning-fast and ultra-quiet performance hand-in-hand with low power consumption. In addition, they are designed with ruggedness, reliability, and data-protection features that actively watch over valuable data. The 320 GB WD Scorpio hard drives is designed for portable digital devices including SATA compatible notebook computers, and digital media players. 320GB can hold Up to 91,400 digital photos; Up to 80,000 songs (MP3); Up to 8,000 songs (uncompressed CD quality); Up to 24 hours of Digital Video (DV); Up to 140 hours of DVD quality video; Up to 38 hours of HD video (720p or 1080i) Formatted Capacity 320,072 MB / Capacity 320 GB Interface SATA 3 Gb/s Unit Dimensions Height 0.374 inch x Length 3.94 inch x Width 2.75 inch; Weight 0.26 Pounds
Customer Review: I am very pleased with this smooth and enormous storage drive
I bought this item on AMAZON March'08 to upgrade my laptop from 120 GB to this massive 320 GB. Assembly was a piece of cake. The drive has been running smoothly and does not make any noise whatsoever. I am happy that I could get rid of my older TOSHIBA HD that had been making lots of spindle noise lately. Now, I can store all my favorite music numbers and movies on my HD and watch/listen to them on the GO. I'll use my old TOSHIBA drive as an external drive for sometime as I just bought an enclosure on AMAZON for 25 bucks.
Customer Review: Great product
Its a great hard disk which is extremely silent. The delivery was timely and the drive was appropriately packaged. I've installed it in my Lenovo Laptop and its highly recommended for upgrading your laptop.
Open Season
Open Season
Open Season is a riotous romp in the great outdoors, where rowdy forest animals turns the tables on unsuspecting hunters. When a domesticated grizzly named Boog leaves the creature comforts of home with a mule deer named Elliot, he finds himself lost in the woods just three days before hunting season. Forced to "rough it" in the great outdoors, Boog goes native, rallying all the forest animals to take back their home and send the hunters packing.
Customer Review: so-so, wish it was longer.
Super cute.
Even though I am an adult, I love kids games.
BUT the game is so short. It took just a few short hours to complete.
Customer Review: All Game -- No Violence
What I love most about this game is that it doesn't have violence even though it's got a hunting theme. The animals are lovable characters, and it's good to get a game that both small boys and girls can enjoy -- and of course everyone older too!
There should be more family oriented X-Box 360 games like this one.
Western Digital WDG2NC10000N My Book World Edition II 1 TB Ethernet External Hard Drive
Western Digital WDG2NC10000N My Book World Edition II 1 TB Ethernet External Hard Drive
Designed for home users, creative professionals, workgroups, small offices and anyone looking for shared storage, WD's MyBook World Edition II offers a surprisingly simple and secure way to access and share data, pictures, and music anywhere in the world. The dual-drive network storage system combines 1 TB of storage, versatile RAID capability, backup software, user-serviceability and remote access software to make it the most versatile and powerful remote access storage system in its class. Weight - 5.88 pounds (2.67 kg)
Customer Review: BUYER BEWARE!
A lot of reviews here talk to the MioNet and "WD Anywhere" problems. I'm going to talk about the drive itself and WD's customer support. I have always loved WD drives, their hard drives have always been reliable, and on the rare occasions that they do fail, WDs policy of shipping you a new drive before you have to ship the old drive back has been a godsend. But with this device, WD just can't get their act together.
When I first bought it, I was actually quite happy with it. Then one of the internal drives failed. No big deal, right? They will just ship you a new drive and you can swap them and be up and running. WRONG!!! They won't ship a new drive, they will only ship a new unit. OK that's fine, I will just swap a single internal drive and again be up and running.. Nope! The device won't boot up any more. Nor will the new device boot up with the old (good) hard drive that has all my data on it. So I send it back to WD again. The next device they send won't even power on. Try again.. the next device they send is physically broken. And now? I have gone through 4 drives. Oh, did I mention that every time I called support I was on hold for a minimum of 20 minutes, and that every person I talked to had a very thick accent - very difficult to understand.
This "adventure" with WD has so soured me that I am hesitant to buy any WD product again, even the normal drives I used to trust and love. The box advertises RAID-1 so that you won't lose your data, but after a month of playing with this, I still don't have a working drive, and I'm still on hold. I was able to recover my data by burning a Linux rescue CD and hooking the drive up to my regular PC, an ordeal that took about 3 days of constant babysitting. Certainly not "RAID-1" ease of use, but at least I got my data back. Now if I can just get my money back.
Customer Review: No free lunch, just a cheap NAS solution.
I'll make this short.
This is a network-enabled box with two hard drives in it. You can swap out the drives any time and upgrade, replace, swap, and so forth. If you use the included software, you'll probably be disappointed with MioNet, as it only runs on XP and only after some hurdles. Also, the included EMC software has been dumbed down a little too much to be useful.
However, if you're in possession of a brain, and learned to read, you can access the drive's interface, create a new shared subdirectory, and mount it as a drive letter on any system in your home network. Them, using whatever backup solution you like, get to work backing up your files. Which it does. Perfectly.
Folks, it's this simple. It's a cheap NAS. If you bought it thinking it's a full-fledged file server that will let you access your pirated DVDs from Florida, well, maybe it will and and maybe it won't. I wasn't trying to fool myself, though. A real NAS solution costs upwards of $800 before you add one hard drive. You can't get something for nothing.
The World's Lightest Book Light - Just 1 Oz! High-Efficiency LED - No Cords
The World's Lightest Book Light - Just 1 Oz! High-Efficiency LED - No Cords
Say goodbye to large cumbersome book lights that burn through batteries quickly or require being tethered to AC adapters - this little wonder produces an amazing amount of light with advanced LED technology. Pure white light without the high-heat of regular incandescent bulbs--plus the LED lasts up to 100,000 hours. Also makes a great map-reading light in the car. Color may vary from item pictured. One-year warranty and Jack's Tool Shed worry-free Satisfaction Guarantee. Shipped with clear plastic tab between batteries to prevent accidental battery drain--simply pull out to remove before using.
Say goodbye to those unwanted pounds, end diet frustration, and break free from that defeating Yo-Yo cycle forever. The Richard Simmons' SlimAway program includes everything you need to lose weight and learn healthy habits to help you keep the weight off. Are you ready to take the SlimAway 30-Day Challenge? Terrific! This program is effortless; combining fun, food, and weight loss with everything you have to do and eat so you don't have to think about it. Start losing weight NOW! Note: This listing is for the Foodmover BINDER and accompanying recipes and guides. It does NOT include any of the Richard Simmons Foodmover Program Cards (Gold, Silver etc.). Those are sold separately.
Customer Review: Richard Simmons
This book is a great journal of Richard Simmons wonderful suggestions and motivations to help in getting fit. I am using it with the food mover and find the size easy to carry.
Customer Review: Informative
This bookelt is very informative, easy to follow bu the food mover should be purchased to further assist you in reaching your goal.
Current christian discount books NewsBooks-A-Million Opens in Kissimmee, Florida - Business Wire (press release)Thu, 26 Jun 2008 14:06:29 GMT
Books-A-Million Opens in Kissimmee, FloridaBusiness Wire (press release), CA - Jun 26, 2008Specialty sections will include: Faithpoint – featuring an immense selection of Bibles, Christian Living and Christian Fiction books. ... |
Victims of Domestic Violence Women's Support Group - Steuben CourierSat, 12 Jul 2008 14:02:50 GMT
New Kids In The FlockWed, 09 Apr 2008 07:00:00 GMT
The Price is WHAT? June 4th, 2008 May 28th, 2008 Fleeced While students across Oregon celebrate graduation, many are facing a gnawing problem - they're getting sheared by huge debt.
Labels: book for sale | personalized books | nursing books
The matter on hvac books written here has been written in such a way that it facilitates easy memorization. This memorized matter can later be used.
hvac books For Your Reading PleasureFAQ About Free Affiliate Marketing Ebooks
In off line retail business the location is nr. 1 issue but in the internet business it is the information.
How can I pick those ebooks, which are useful for me?
Think simply. What you need is information for your internet business, which works. The rest is simply useless. So read only affiliate marketing ebooks, which are written by appreciated and well known authors in the internet.
How can I find authors, which are good ones?
Go to discussion forums like WarriorForum or AssociatePrograms forum and read posts of site moderators or marketers, who are appreciated there. Normally these professionals have years experience of working ebooks
Then just look, which authors they recommend and which affiliate marketing ebooks are their favorites and your list will start to grow.
Is the reading more important than doing?
Absolutely. It is clear that by reading affiliate marketing ebooks you can make your business plan. When you have picked the target and the strategy, you can start doing.
But you should never start doing anything without knowing, why.
What to do, if I just do not like reading?
By reading ebooks, you can avoid one of the worst errors in internet marketing: to run your internet business doing details without knowing, why are you doing this. Sounds like a formula to sure disaster.
Can I distribute affiliate marketing ebooks to my site visitors?
Of course, quality ebooks are for mutual pleasure. By giving ebook as a gift to your website visitor, you give him a reason to visit your site another time. When a visitor sees that you do things for him, you become useful to him.
Free affiliate marketing ebooks are royalty free. That means that the author has given the permission to distribute them freely.
Where else can I use ebooks?
Digital products are fantastic because they can be used and distributed in so many ways. You can distribute ebooks by emails, forums sig files, your blogs etc.
A very useful way is to use ebooks in relationship building. You can distribute them to the optin email list and to everybody with whom you are in contact, because they are so useful.
Or use them as a gift, which you give to those, who subscribe your newsletter. Affiliate marketing ebooks can be on the pop over of the site.
Use all promotional ways, where you can put a link.
Why do I still pay for ebooks?
You do not have to. Follow the answers above and you will get handful of good quality affiliate marketing ebooks for free. In the internet, free means different thing than off line. Website templates are free, images are free, articles like this one, are free etc. Also ebooks are available for free, which is a great help for us all.
How shall I pick ebooks, that I give to my visitors?
It is good to give only those affiliate marketing ebooks, which you have read and sawn useful. Think also that the recommended ebooks are easy to read and meant to those, who run internet home businesses
About the Author
Hi, I am Juhani Tontti. I give you these affiliate marketing ebooks for free
: Google AdWords Made Easy, SEO Made Easy and Dotcomology.
hvac books Items For Viewing
13" MacBook Marware Protection Pack (White)
13" MacBook Marware Protection Pack (White)
Protection Pack includes two great products to preserve your investment. A removable hand rest protects your MacBook from scratches while adding a layer of cushioning for maximum comfort. The keyboard cover protects the screen against dirt and oil build-up, and also doubles as a screen cleaner. Hand Rest features: Soft PVC leather Custom fitted for MacBook Protects against scratches to the MacBook surface Provides comfort when typing Leaves no residue when removed Features restickable adhesive for easy application Keyboard Cover features: Soft microfiber Covers keys when MacBook is closed to prevent transfer of oil and dirt Can be used to clean MacBook's screen
Customer Review: I love Goo Gone
I bought this protection pack when I got my white MacBook. On my old Powerbook G4, I had a big problem of the keys leaving imprints on the screen, so I was excited about the keyboard cover. I used it for about a month before I realized that it was leaving it's own imprint on the screen. Since I stopped using it, I have no problems with key imprints, so I wouldn't use it.
With the wrist pad, I used it for about 8 months before the little strips below and above the trackpad lost their adhesiveness, and it got so bad, I decided to remove the whole pad. I have heard many people say that they removed their pad after a month or two and had no remaining adhesive gunk left behind. This was not what I found. The entire pad left a think layer of gunk that took me about 4 hours and quarter bottle of Goo Gone to remove. I was going to buy a new pad to replace the first one, but after that, I will not be buying a new pad.
Customer Review: Good Product
Great products, I spent so much money on my MacBook, I didnt want anything to mess it up, so this is definitely helping with that. I haven't tried to peel the sticker/pad off yet, so I can't say anything about it's removal but it was easy to apply, and the keyboard cover/screen cleaner is nice. Won't remove fingerprints, but will gently remove dust.
Good product, good price.
Master Organic Sprouting Kit - Everything You Need to Grow Fresh Sandwich & Salad Sprouts - Kit Includes the Easy Sprout Sprouter, 1 Lb of Organic Salad Sprout Mix, 1 Lb of Organic Sandwich Mix, 1 Lb of Alfalfa Sprouting Seed, Book: The Sprouting Book By Ann Wigmore
Master Organic Sprouting Kit - Everything You Need to Grow Fresh Sandwich & Salad Sprouts - Kit Includes the Easy Sprout Sprouter, 1 Lb of Organic Salad Sprout Mix, 1 Lb of Organic Sandwich Mix, 1 Lb of Alfalfa Sprouting Seed, Book: The Sprouting Book By Ann Wigmore
Grow sprouts for pennies a day! The unique quart size dual container system uses heat from sprouts to circulate fresh humidified air by convection, prevents suffocation, and dehydration so sprouts need less rinsing, grow pound batches of healthier tastier sprouts with minimal effort, has a vented lid that is ideal for travel sprouting and storing sprouts in the fridge. Stackable, durable and easy to clean, Easy Sprout is made for the finest quality food grade materials. Comes with a 30-day love it or return it guarantee.
Case Logic XAS-15PISTACHIO/CHOCOLATE 15.4-inch Reversible Neoprene Macbook Shuttle (Pistachio/Chocolate)
Case Logic XAS-15PISTACHIO/CHOCOLATE 15.4-inch Reversible Neoprene Macbook Shuttle (Pistachio/Chocolate)
PRODUCT FEATURES:Laptop sleeve is a perfect fit for the 15" MacBook ProReversible- two distinct colors in one great caseCompact laptop sleeve design allows you to safely transport your laptop in any briefcase, messenger bag or backpackDurable, weather - resistant neoprene laptop sleeve cushions and protects your computer
Customer Review: Love this case!
This case is the best neoprene case I've had yet. My 15" MacBook Pro fits it perfectly, and it is extremely easy to slide it into the case. I've also gotten quite a few comments about the case as well. Not having a zipper is great. It protects the laptop better, makes the case last longer, and makes it faster and easier to get the laptop in the case. Great job case logic.
Customer Review: Great laptop sleeve!
I was looking for a sleeve to protect my Macbook and this Case Logic sleeve fit the bill nicely at a reasonable price. I wanted some extra padding and protection from scratches when I placed the laptop in a tote bag. This sleeve works great! I like that it is reversible. Also, it is a perfect fit for the Macbook and is thick and will provide a good bit of cushioning from minor impacts. Neoprene is waterproof which is also nice in case it rains or you spill something on your bag. One feature that I really appreciated is that there is NO ZIPPER! A lot of sleeves have zippers that are not shielded well from the laptop and can actually scratch your precious laptop. The flap folds down securely without any zipper. If you are looking for something with shoulder straps or extra space to carry adapters and other accessories you need a laptop bag or case and not a sleeve. If you are looking for a great laptop sleeve, though, this is it!
Aerosoles Women's Wrap Book T Strap Wedge
Aerosoles Women's Wrap Book T Strap Wedge
Which is better, style or comfort? Well, it doesn't matter because the Wrap Book t-strap wedge from Aerosoles has it all. It features a fine leather or suede upper, a pretty round toe, and an adjustable t-strap for securing a perfectly sweet and feminine fit. What's more, the fully cushioned insole will keep you light your feet, while the durable rubber outsole will ensure a solid and graceful step. Perfect for working and for playing!
Customer Review: Comfort and Style
I am absolutely thrilled with this purchase! They are so comfy and very stylish to wear with almost anything in my wardrobe. I was a little hesitant, this is the first pair I have ever purchased online. They are true to size......I couldn't be more thrilled and the price is definitely worth it!
Customer Review: Feels like a tennis shoe!
These are the most comfortable shoes and also very stylish. I wanted a pair of shoes that had a heel and could be comfortable for all day wear. These are it! They also fit perfect. I will definitely buy Aerosoles again.
Itty Bitty Book Light
Itty Bitty Book Light
Affordably priced. Hardcover or paper back, the "itty bitty" book light makes your nighttime reading an illuminating experience. Uses 4 C batteries (not included). Includes separate battery compartment. (not shown)
Customer Review: dj
Started using electric cord at home and within 2 months base of cord, where it joins light clip, cuts off light and no longer works. When it did it was wonderful. Now I have all these nice parts but no light to use.
Customer Review: Itty Bitty Booklight
This product is fine. Just what I expected. Shines a bit brightly for my taste, but what doesn't when the rest of the room is dark?
Lucky Number Slevin [HD DVD]
Lucky Number Slevin [HD DVD]
How boring it is to label a movie Tarantino-esque anymore. The thing is, when it comes to an offering like Lucky Number Slevin, the shoe fits, and the result is anything but boring. Gruesome killings, arid wit, self-reflexive pop culture references, an A-list cast, and style-heavy production values abound, which gives the proceedings an epoxy bond that seals the Q.T. homage factor. Josh Hartnett--who spends a lot of buffed-up time with his shirt off--is Slevin Kelevra, a hapless fellow visiting his New York friend Nick. But Nick has disappeared, which sets off a mistaken-identity thrill ride when two goons grab Slevin (he's in Nick's apartment so he must be Nick) and take him to their crime lord boss, the Boss (Morgan Freeman). The Boss doesn't care about Slevin's wrong-man protests; he just wants the $96,000 Nick owes him. In one of many offers he can't refuse, Slevin has to agree to murder the son of the Boss's felonious arch rival, the Rabbi (Ben Kingsley) or take the bullet himself. But Slevin turns out to be no ordinary patsy. Thrown into the ingeniously designed production, clever plot twists, and academic nods to Bond, Hitchcock, and obscure old cartoons are Lucy Liu as a sexy coroner, Stanley Tucci as an obsessed cop, and Bruce Willis as a wily hit man with his finger in many pots. With so much visual and narrative trickery, there's almost too much to absorb in one viewing of this convoluted jigsaw puzzle of revenge and entertaining mayhem. Lucky Number Slevin isn't quite up to par with similarly brainy thrillers like Memento and The Usual Suspects, but the prospect of seeing it again in order to get your bearings is just as appealing. --Ted Fry
Customer Review: What a waste of time!
I just watched the HD version of this movie. Morgan Freeman and Ben Kingsley are just wrong the cold blooded gangster types. They appear more fatherly gentlemen than nasty mobster. The movie is supposed to be violent, yet I am not one bit scared or repulsed. The characters are just too nice. A good movie is one the will have the audience hating the bad guy and connecting with the good guy or the victim. This one does neither for me. I have seen better crime thrillers, way better.
Customer Review: Slevin come Eleven
If cast and acting could make a movie by themselves
this would have been a really bit one.
As it is, a lot of the plot is pretty obvious
with everybody pretty much ending up dead in this revenge
at 20 years. It actually comes out same old, same old, gang land
killings. The casting is better than the movie or the filming.
In Defense of Food: An Eater's Manifesto
In Defense of Food: An Eater's Manifesto
What to eat, what not to eat, and how to think about health: a manifesto for our times
"Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants." These simple words go to the heart of Michael Pollan's In Defense of Food, the well-considered answers he provides to the questions posed in the bestselling The Omnivore's Dilemma.
Humans used to know how to eat well, Pollan argues. But the balanced dietary lessons that were once passed down through generations have been confused, complicated, and distorted by food industry marketers, nutritional scientists, and journalists-all of whom have much to gain from our dietary confusion. As a result, we face today a complex culinary landscape dense with bad advice and foods that are not "real." These "edible foodlike substances" are often packaged with labels bearing health claims that are typically false or misleading. Indeed, real food is fast disappearing from the marketplace, to be replaced by "nutrients," and plain old eating by an obsession with nutrition that is, paradoxically, ruining our health, not to mention our meals. Michael Pollan's sensible and decidedly counterintuitive advice is: "Don't eat anything that your great-great grandmother would not recognize as food."
Writing In Defense of Food, and affirming the joy of eating, Pollan suggests that if we would pay more for better, well-grown food, but buy less of it, we'll benefit ourselves, our communities, and the environment at large. Taking a clear-eyed look at what science does and does not know about the links between diet and health, he proposes a new way to think about the question of what to eat that is informed by ecology and tradition rather than by the prevailing nutrient-by-nutrient approach.
In Defense of Food reminds us that, despite the daunting dietary landscape Americans confront in the modern supermarket, the solutions to the current omnivore's dilemma can be found all around us.
In looking toward traditional diets the world over, as well as the foods our families-and regions-historically enjoyed, we can recover a more balanced, reasonable, and pleasurable approach to food. Michael Pollan's bracing and eloquent manifesto shows us how we might start making thoughtful food choices that will enrich our lives and enlarge our sense of what it means to be healthy.
Customer Review: Quick read
Interesting book and the main points really can be summed up in the byline. It felt like the author hadn't distilled his thoughts at certain points, making it wordy in certain sections. Overall I enjoyed the book and would recommend it to a friend.
Customer Review: Read the cover. read the book.
I saw Pollan speak at a University about this book. He told us we all wasted our money because the entire contents of the book was on the cover.
He was right.
I thought this book had some interesting history and a few good, practical points about eating. It was informative, and if you liked The Omnivore's Dilemma, you'll probably enjoy this book.
One thing though. This book is short. Really short. I felt a little ripped off when I reailzed about half of the pages are just reference materials. What's in the book is an exact rehash of everything he spoke about in his 1/2 hour lecture.
I know content is king, and this book's content was excellent. However, it's clear he didn't have much to say and only wrote this to either fulfill a contract or fill his bank account. More likely the former.
News about hvac booksSurvey: Gas rules spooking investorsFri, 27 Jun 2008 05:22:03 GMT
A new survey says Colorado's attractiveness for oil and gas investment has plummeted as a result of more onerous regulations and drilling permit requirements.
Expand Your Contracting Biz With Seasonal ServicesSat, 01 Mar 2008 14:47:34 -0800
One of the best ways to keep your offerings fresh and your client base growing is to add services. Obviously you can only expand so far but offering seasonal services such as heating and cooling repair and installation, along with full HVAC services can be a major cash flow generator and definitely worth investigating. Keeping the comfort level high, and the climate controls just right in modern buildings can be a major design challenge. HVAC helps to control climate by regulating airflow and t
A day in the life of a child: Renewed hope, a ton of respectThu, 26 Jun 2008 05:44:16 GMT
Of late I have had occasion to spend a great deal of time around children, an unusual circumstance for me, but an eye-opening and educational experience nonetheless.
entertainment books
Labels: books publishing | to publish a book | publishing books
hvac books For Your Reading PleasureFAQ About Free Affiliate Marketing Ebooks
In off line retail business the location is nr. 1 issue but in the internet business it is the information.
How can I pick those ebooks, which are useful for me?
Think simply. What you need is information for your internet business, which works. The rest is simply useless. So read only affiliate marketing ebooks, which are written by appreciated and well known authors in the internet.
How can I find authors, which are good ones?
Go to discussion forums like WarriorForum or AssociatePrograms forum and read posts of site moderators or marketers, who are appreciated there. Normally these professionals have years experience of working ebooks
Then just look, which authors they recommend and which affiliate marketing ebooks are their favorites and your list will start to grow.
Is the reading more important than doing?
Absolutely. It is clear that by reading affiliate marketing ebooks you can make your business plan. When you have picked the target and the strategy, you can start doing.
But you should never start doing anything without knowing, why.
What to do, if I just do not like reading?
By reading ebooks, you can avoid one of the worst errors in internet marketing: to run your internet business doing details without knowing, why are you doing this. Sounds like a formula to sure disaster.
Can I distribute affiliate marketing ebooks to my site visitors?
Of course, quality ebooks are for mutual pleasure. By giving ebook as a gift to your website visitor, you give him a reason to visit your site another time. When a visitor sees that you do things for him, you become useful to him.
Free affiliate marketing ebooks are royalty free. That means that the author has given the permission to distribute them freely.
Where else can I use ebooks?
Digital products are fantastic because they can be used and distributed in so many ways. You can distribute ebooks by emails, forums sig files, your blogs etc.
A very useful way is to use ebooks in relationship building. You can distribute them to the optin email list and to everybody with whom you are in contact, because they are so useful.
Or use them as a gift, which you give to those, who subscribe your newsletter. Affiliate marketing ebooks can be on the pop over of the site.
Use all promotional ways, where you can put a link.
Why do I still pay for ebooks?
You do not have to. Follow the answers above and you will get handful of good quality affiliate marketing ebooks for free. In the internet, free means different thing than off line. Website templates are free, images are free, articles like this one, are free etc. Also ebooks are available for free, which is a great help for us all.
How shall I pick ebooks, that I give to my visitors?
It is good to give only those affiliate marketing ebooks, which you have read and sawn useful. Think also that the recommended ebooks are easy to read and meant to those, who run internet home businesses
About the Author
Hi, I am Juhani Tontti. I give you these affiliate marketing ebooks for free
: Google AdWords Made Easy, SEO Made Easy and Dotcomology.
hvac books Items For Viewing
13" MacBook Marware Protection Pack (White)
13" MacBook Marware Protection Pack (White)
Protection Pack includes two great products to preserve your investment. A removable hand rest protects your MacBook from scratches while adding a layer of cushioning for maximum comfort. The keyboard cover protects the screen against dirt and oil build-up, and also doubles as a screen cleaner. Hand Rest features: Soft PVC leather Custom fitted for MacBook Protects against scratches to the MacBook surface Provides comfort when typing Leaves no residue when removed Features restickable adhesive for easy application Keyboard Cover features: Soft microfiber Covers keys when MacBook is closed to prevent transfer of oil and dirt Can be used to clean MacBook's screen
Customer Review: I love Goo Gone
I bought this protection pack when I got my white MacBook. On my old Powerbook G4, I had a big problem of the keys leaving imprints on the screen, so I was excited about the keyboard cover. I used it for about a month before I realized that it was leaving it's own imprint on the screen. Since I stopped using it, I have no problems with key imprints, so I wouldn't use it.
With the wrist pad, I used it for about 8 months before the little strips below and above the trackpad lost their adhesiveness, and it got so bad, I decided to remove the whole pad. I have heard many people say that they removed their pad after a month or two and had no remaining adhesive gunk left behind. This was not what I found. The entire pad left a think layer of gunk that took me about 4 hours and quarter bottle of Goo Gone to remove. I was going to buy a new pad to replace the first one, but after that, I will not be buying a new pad.
Customer Review: Good Product
Great products, I spent so much money on my MacBook, I didnt want anything to mess it up, so this is definitely helping with that. I haven't tried to peel the sticker/pad off yet, so I can't say anything about it's removal but it was easy to apply, and the keyboard cover/screen cleaner is nice. Won't remove fingerprints, but will gently remove dust.
Good product, good price.
Master Organic Sprouting Kit - Everything You Need to Grow Fresh Sandwich & Salad Sprouts - Kit Includes the Easy Sprout Sprouter, 1 Lb of Organic Salad Sprout Mix, 1 Lb of Organic Sandwich Mix, 1 Lb of Alfalfa Sprouting Seed, Book: The Sprouting Book By Ann Wigmore
Master Organic Sprouting Kit - Everything You Need to Grow Fresh Sandwich & Salad Sprouts - Kit Includes the Easy Sprout Sprouter, 1 Lb of Organic Salad Sprout Mix, 1 Lb of Organic Sandwich Mix, 1 Lb of Alfalfa Sprouting Seed, Book: The Sprouting Book By Ann Wigmore
Grow sprouts for pennies a day! The unique quart size dual container system uses heat from sprouts to circulate fresh humidified air by convection, prevents suffocation, and dehydration so sprouts need less rinsing, grow pound batches of healthier tastier sprouts with minimal effort, has a vented lid that is ideal for travel sprouting and storing sprouts in the fridge. Stackable, durable and easy to clean, Easy Sprout is made for the finest quality food grade materials. Comes with a 30-day love it or return it guarantee.
Case Logic XAS-15PISTACHIO/CHOCOLATE 15.4-inch Reversible Neoprene Macbook Shuttle (Pistachio/Chocolate)
Case Logic XAS-15PISTACHIO/CHOCOLATE 15.4-inch Reversible Neoprene Macbook Shuttle (Pistachio/Chocolate)
PRODUCT FEATURES:Laptop sleeve is a perfect fit for the 15" MacBook ProReversible- two distinct colors in one great caseCompact laptop sleeve design allows you to safely transport your laptop in any briefcase, messenger bag or backpackDurable, weather - resistant neoprene laptop sleeve cushions and protects your computer
Customer Review: Love this case!
This case is the best neoprene case I've had yet. My 15" MacBook Pro fits it perfectly, and it is extremely easy to slide it into the case. I've also gotten quite a few comments about the case as well. Not having a zipper is great. It protects the laptop better, makes the case last longer, and makes it faster and easier to get the laptop in the case. Great job case logic.
Customer Review: Great laptop sleeve!
I was looking for a sleeve to protect my Macbook and this Case Logic sleeve fit the bill nicely at a reasonable price. I wanted some extra padding and protection from scratches when I placed the laptop in a tote bag. This sleeve works great! I like that it is reversible. Also, it is a perfect fit for the Macbook and is thick and will provide a good bit of cushioning from minor impacts. Neoprene is waterproof which is also nice in case it rains or you spill something on your bag. One feature that I really appreciated is that there is NO ZIPPER! A lot of sleeves have zippers that are not shielded well from the laptop and can actually scratch your precious laptop. The flap folds down securely without any zipper. If you are looking for something with shoulder straps or extra space to carry adapters and other accessories you need a laptop bag or case and not a sleeve. If you are looking for a great laptop sleeve, though, this is it!
Aerosoles Women's Wrap Book T Strap Wedge
Aerosoles Women's Wrap Book T Strap Wedge
Which is better, style or comfort? Well, it doesn't matter because the Wrap Book t-strap wedge from Aerosoles has it all. It features a fine leather or suede upper, a pretty round toe, and an adjustable t-strap for securing a perfectly sweet and feminine fit. What's more, the fully cushioned insole will keep you light your feet, while the durable rubber outsole will ensure a solid and graceful step. Perfect for working and for playing!
Customer Review: Comfort and Style
I am absolutely thrilled with this purchase! They are so comfy and very stylish to wear with almost anything in my wardrobe. I was a little hesitant, this is the first pair I have ever purchased online. They are true to size......I couldn't be more thrilled and the price is definitely worth it!
Customer Review: Feels like a tennis shoe!
These are the most comfortable shoes and also very stylish. I wanted a pair of shoes that had a heel and could be comfortable for all day wear. These are it! They also fit perfect. I will definitely buy Aerosoles again.
Itty Bitty Book Light
Itty Bitty Book Light
Affordably priced. Hardcover or paper back, the "itty bitty" book light makes your nighttime reading an illuminating experience. Uses 4 C batteries (not included). Includes separate battery compartment. (not shown)
Customer Review: dj
Started using electric cord at home and within 2 months base of cord, where it joins light clip, cuts off light and no longer works. When it did it was wonderful. Now I have all these nice parts but no light to use.
Customer Review: Itty Bitty Booklight
This product is fine. Just what I expected. Shines a bit brightly for my taste, but what doesn't when the rest of the room is dark?
Lucky Number Slevin [HD DVD]
Lucky Number Slevin [HD DVD]
How boring it is to label a movie Tarantino-esque anymore. The thing is, when it comes to an offering like Lucky Number Slevin, the shoe fits, and the result is anything but boring. Gruesome killings, arid wit, self-reflexive pop culture references, an A-list cast, and style-heavy production values abound, which gives the proceedings an epoxy bond that seals the Q.T. homage factor. Josh Hartnett--who spends a lot of buffed-up time with his shirt off--is Slevin Kelevra, a hapless fellow visiting his New York friend Nick. But Nick has disappeared, which sets off a mistaken-identity thrill ride when two goons grab Slevin (he's in Nick's apartment so he must be Nick) and take him to their crime lord boss, the Boss (Morgan Freeman). The Boss doesn't care about Slevin's wrong-man protests; he just wants the $96,000 Nick owes him. In one of many offers he can't refuse, Slevin has to agree to murder the son of the Boss's felonious arch rival, the Rabbi (Ben Kingsley) or take the bullet himself. But Slevin turns out to be no ordinary patsy. Thrown into the ingeniously designed production, clever plot twists, and academic nods to Bond, Hitchcock, and obscure old cartoons are Lucy Liu as a sexy coroner, Stanley Tucci as an obsessed cop, and Bruce Willis as a wily hit man with his finger in many pots. With so much visual and narrative trickery, there's almost too much to absorb in one viewing of this convoluted jigsaw puzzle of revenge and entertaining mayhem. Lucky Number Slevin isn't quite up to par with similarly brainy thrillers like Memento and The Usual Suspects, but the prospect of seeing it again in order to get your bearings is just as appealing. --Ted Fry
Customer Review: What a waste of time!
I just watched the HD version of this movie. Morgan Freeman and Ben Kingsley are just wrong the cold blooded gangster types. They appear more fatherly gentlemen than nasty mobster. The movie is supposed to be violent, yet I am not one bit scared or repulsed. The characters are just too nice. A good movie is one the will have the audience hating the bad guy and connecting with the good guy or the victim. This one does neither for me. I have seen better crime thrillers, way better.
Customer Review: Slevin come Eleven
If cast and acting could make a movie by themselves
this would have been a really bit one.
As it is, a lot of the plot is pretty obvious
with everybody pretty much ending up dead in this revenge
at 20 years. It actually comes out same old, same old, gang land
killings. The casting is better than the movie or the filming.
In Defense of Food: An Eater's Manifesto
In Defense of Food: An Eater's Manifesto
What to eat, what not to eat, and how to think about health: a manifesto for our times
"Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants." These simple words go to the heart of Michael Pollan's In Defense of Food, the well-considered answers he provides to the questions posed in the bestselling The Omnivore's Dilemma.
Humans used to know how to eat well, Pollan argues. But the balanced dietary lessons that were once passed down through generations have been confused, complicated, and distorted by food industry marketers, nutritional scientists, and journalists-all of whom have much to gain from our dietary confusion. As a result, we face today a complex culinary landscape dense with bad advice and foods that are not "real." These "edible foodlike substances" are often packaged with labels bearing health claims that are typically false or misleading. Indeed, real food is fast disappearing from the marketplace, to be replaced by "nutrients," and plain old eating by an obsession with nutrition that is, paradoxically, ruining our health, not to mention our meals. Michael Pollan's sensible and decidedly counterintuitive advice is: "Don't eat anything that your great-great grandmother would not recognize as food."
Writing In Defense of Food, and affirming the joy of eating, Pollan suggests that if we would pay more for better, well-grown food, but buy less of it, we'll benefit ourselves, our communities, and the environment at large. Taking a clear-eyed look at what science does and does not know about the links between diet and health, he proposes a new way to think about the question of what to eat that is informed by ecology and tradition rather than by the prevailing nutrient-by-nutrient approach.
In Defense of Food reminds us that, despite the daunting dietary landscape Americans confront in the modern supermarket, the solutions to the current omnivore's dilemma can be found all around us.
In looking toward traditional diets the world over, as well as the foods our families-and regions-historically enjoyed, we can recover a more balanced, reasonable, and pleasurable approach to food. Michael Pollan's bracing and eloquent manifesto shows us how we might start making thoughtful food choices that will enrich our lives and enlarge our sense of what it means to be healthy.
Customer Review: Quick read
Interesting book and the main points really can be summed up in the byline. It felt like the author hadn't distilled his thoughts at certain points, making it wordy in certain sections. Overall I enjoyed the book and would recommend it to a friend.
Customer Review: Read the cover. read the book.
I saw Pollan speak at a University about this book. He told us we all wasted our money because the entire contents of the book was on the cover.
He was right.
I thought this book had some interesting history and a few good, practical points about eating. It was informative, and if you liked The Omnivore's Dilemma, you'll probably enjoy this book.
One thing though. This book is short. Really short. I felt a little ripped off when I reailzed about half of the pages are just reference materials. What's in the book is an exact rehash of everything he spoke about in his 1/2 hour lecture.
I know content is king, and this book's content was excellent. However, it's clear he didn't have much to say and only wrote this to either fulfill a contract or fill his bank account. More likely the former.
News about hvac booksSurvey: Gas rules spooking investorsFri, 27 Jun 2008 05:22:03 GMT
A new survey says Colorado's attractiveness for oil and gas investment has plummeted as a result of more onerous regulations and drilling permit requirements.
Expand Your Contracting Biz With Seasonal ServicesSat, 01 Mar 2008 14:47:34 -0800
One of the best ways to keep your offerings fresh and your client base growing is to add services. Obviously you can only expand so far but offering seasonal services such as heating and cooling repair and installation, along with full HVAC services can be a major cash flow generator and definitely worth investigating. Keeping the comfort level high, and the climate controls just right in modern buildings can be a major design challenge. HVAC helps to control climate by regulating airflow and t
A day in the life of a child: Renewed hope, a ton of respectThu, 26 Jun 2008 05:44:16 GMT
Of late I have had occasion to spend a great deal of time around children, an unusual circumstance for me, but an eye-opening and educational experience nonetheless.
entertainment books
Labels: books publishing | to publish a book | publishing books
Was this article worth the search you took in finding information on comic book stores? We sure hope it is because we wrote this article with the intention of providing information on it.
Today's comic book stores ArticleThe Backlash Against Online Marketing eBooks
Making money online programs and the eBooks that teach these methods have been going strong for the past couple of years. Just recently, though, a backlash of the product is making people think of it as a scam, not a money making venture.
For some strange reason, over the last 3 weeks, I have read and seen about a half of a dozen articles, blogs, emails, etc. focusing on the topic of how online marketing eBooks are nothing but a scam. Sure, there are always going to be critics, but is this sudden rise in awareness justified, or is it just a coincidence? I have a interesting intrepretation of this situation from two stand-points: 1) I got into the online money making business using one of these eBooks. 2) I run a review site ( that focuses on reviewing these exact programs. In the early part of this year, I did what most of you have done: I needed extra money so I typed something like "Make Money Online", "Extra Cash", or "Get Rich Quick" into a search engine like Google or Yahoo. At that time, I knew nothing about affiliate marketing, paid surveys, wholesaling, data entry programs, etc. I spent a few nights researching it and finally found a program that I wanted to try out. This eBook has changed my life. I spent the first 3 months making no money, spending a tons on advertising and getting little traffic to my products. I was learning. The last six months, I have created a number of websites and campaigns and earn steady income as a supplement to my 9-5 job. (This was exactly what I wanted to do). The point is that I would have never made it to this point without the guidance of an online marketing eBook. It taught me the fundamentals: 1) What it is. 2) Where to find products. 3) Where to sell products. 4) How to promote products. 5) How to maximize my earning potential. Understanding the fundamentals is KEY before you can actually start making money. Again, the first three months were spent learning the system, the last six months have been reaping the rewards. At the end of the day, it was ME that made this system work (through hard-work, education and trial & error), but I needed this eBook to get the ball rolling in the first place. (How do you ask a question, if you don't know which questions to ask!?) Secondly, I have an insight that not many have on these online money making eBooks: I review them! I post on my website about a half-dozen different programs, but I have read about twice that over the past year. I have learned a few things from this: 1) About 75% of all Online Money Making eBooks are the same: They have the same chapter headings and the same content. Some go over the "what" a little bit more; others go over the "how". 2) The last 25% is usually some "innovative" or "unique" marketing or product idea that this specific get rich program specializes in. In most cases, these ideas are a bit far-fetched for most, but are always worth a read. 3) It is usually the "bonuses" that distinguish these programs from one another. Some may offer personal counselling. Others may offer a free website or a paid surveys list. Some do not offer much of anything. At the end of the day, the content is there to get you an idea of what you need to do to make money online. So, does this really work? Of course, my answer has to be yes. The reason? I would not be here today writing this article if this did not work for me. So why the backlink against these Affiliate Marketing or Money Making eBooks? I am guessing it could be a few reasons:
1) Speaking out against such eBooks can be controversial (which can be an effective marketing tool to promote your own product...or "anti-product" for that matter!)
2) A lot of people try these programs and a lot of people fail. Not everyone will be successful doing this and those who are not are surely going to consider this a scam.
3) More competion means more work and less sales. Some may bad-mouth the programs just to prevent more people from trying. (The internet is a very big place, though, and there is plenty of ways to still make money!)
At the end of the day, I find these articles that bad-mouth online marketing eBooks a bit silly. Sure
, some of them are pretty bad (and pretty short!). But some will provide you with tools to begin making money online in no time.
Matthew is a 32 year old online entrepreneur and engineer currently living in San Diego, CA.
Visit for more money making articles, resources and reviews on today?s hottest online money making ventures.
Recommended comic book stores ItemsVersace by Rosenthal Medusa Lumiere Clear Crystal Whiskey Glasses, Set of 2
Versace by Rosenthal Medusa Lumiere Clear Crystal Whiskey Glasses, Set of 2
Lumiere, French for "light," epitomizes the delicacy and brilliance of hand-blown, full-lead crystal. Adorned with Versace's iconic Medusa head, each sparkling tumbler or stem in the collection makes a perfect accompaniment to Medusa porcelain dinnerware. The two Lumiere Clear whiskey glasses in this set are designed especially for sipping a fine single malt Scotch or a sparkling bourbon-and-soda on the rocks. Measuring 3-1/2 inches tall and holding 5-3/4 ounces, each octagonal-sided tumbler feels secure in the hand and luxuriously weighted, thanks to the dense base in which lies the Medusa image of Greek--and Versace--mythology.
Ever since Versace, Italy's provocative house of haute couture, and Rosenthal, one of Germany's most prestigious porcelain companies, teamed up in 1993, the resulting dinnerware and gift collections have made spectacular waves. Classical and wildly imaginative themes leap to life with uninhibited combinations of color and line. Also available in a colored version, each Medusa Lumiere set comes secured in a Versace gift box, sure to both delight and impress the recipient. Like all fine crystal, the whiskey glasses should be washed carefully by hand. --Ann Bieri
Sport Fish of the Gulf of Mexico
Sport Fish of the Gulf of Mexico
This full color 264-page book from long-time fishing legend and Florida Sportsman Magazine Sr.Editor Vic Dunaway features his 50-plus years of fishing knowledge. Each of the 194 species is illustrated with original full-color artwork from renowned marine artist Kevin R. Brant. The book answers many common questions, providing specific information about the type of fish, its range and habitat, identifying features, whether or not it is good to eat, the average and record size of each fish and the best fishing methods to catch them.
Customer Review: Don't get fined???????
With so many restrictions and diffrent types of fish in the gulf, the last thing you want is an illegal fish. "Sport Fish of the Gulf" is on my vessel when I fish!
Customer Review: Essential for the emerging gulf fisherman
I enjoyed reading each and every species entry. The author is obviously a fish enthusiast when it comes to cuisine due to the fact that 90% of the animals he lists are described at the very least as 'tasty'. The illustrations are exquisite and the descriptions for each fish type are thorough. I would recommend this book for anyone new to fishing the Gulf of Mexico.
40 Years of the X-Men
40 Years of the X-Men
With 40 Years Of X-Men DVD, you've got a full collection of every X-Men story published in the last four decades. Almost 500 issues of the classic X-Men comics are reproduced here, from the very first issue in 1963 to August 2005 -- all in full color, from cover to cover. Explore a world where a small group of people are born with genes that give them super-powers. These "mutants" are hated and feared by humanity at large, and the X-Men come together to protect both mutants and human from prejudice and evil mutants alike. You'll get to follow their incredible adventures as they span four amazing decades.
Customer Review: A perfect gift for the comic book fan who has almost everything
My husband loved this as a gift. He is a long-time comic book fan and this gave him an opportunity to read some of the very first editions that are way before his time. They look amazing on the computer, plus you can print if you want. (with 15,000+ pages I can't imagine why you'd want to) I was concerned about Mac compatibility, but since the thing is just a PDF interface, you just need Acrobat, no special Windows-only software. We're looking to pick up the Spiderman collection next.
Customer Review: Nice read
It is just as it says. A pdf scan of all comics. It's really neat to read some of these again. Great value and good entertainment.
Majestic Unicorn T-shirt 100% Cotton KIDS - TEENS and ADULTS Short Sleeve Shirt
Majestic Unicorn T-shirt 100% Cotton KIDS - TEENS and ADULTS Short Sleeve Shirt
The Mountain T-Shirts are premium, hand-dyed shirts screenprinted using environmentally safe, water based inks. They feature a leather feel label so comfortable there is never a need to cut it out.
See size chart for details
GM Corvette 1963-82 (Chilton's Total Car Care Repair Manuals)
GM Corvette 1963-82 (Chilton's Total Car Care Repair Manuals)
Chevrolet Corvette (63 - 82) This series offers do-it-yourselfers of all levels TOTAL maintenance, service, and repair information in an easy to use format. Each manual contains: trouble codes, electronic engine controls, maintenance schedules, diagnostic charts, wiring diagrams, tune up specifications, and much more.
Customer Review: Chevrolet Corvette, 1963-82
Too broad to be of great value for a specific model year.
Customer Review: Great manual.
obviously you have to be a little expert to use this manual specially for the engine related parts, but it is a great help for a complete restauration of your vette.
Dr. Seuss Green Eggs and Ham
Dr. Seuss Green Eggs and Ham
Children learn word recognition when they read along with Sam and click up to 20 "hot spots" on each page. Green Eggs and Ham includes a new Wacky Food Concentration Game and much more!
Customer Review: Simple animations provides alot of excitement for the little ones!
Both my kids enjoys this CD-ROM. Green eggs and ham may not be your idea of a tasty treat, but this CD-ROM serves up an appetizing Seuss in a well-done interactive storybook. This delightful software from Living Books is meticulously animated with hundreds of sketches, new scenes, surprises, and activities. Your child directs the action with just a click of the mouse. And littler ones can choose the Read-to-Me mode! Children will build important skills while playing games such as Mouse in a House, the Wacky Food Concentration Game, and the Silly Rhyming Sentence Machine.
This CD consists on clear, bright images that are nearly identical to the original book illustrations, with the simple animations providing new excitement as the story builds to its "surprising" climax.
With Dr. Seuss's excellent combination of phonics and word repetition, your children will receive a great introduction to crucial early-reading skills, making this CD a solid addition to an educational software library. Believe Me.
Customer Review: wow, what fun
I can only say that our 4 and 2 year olds love hearing the story of green eggs and ham. being able to play along makes this so much fun for them! they love it! definately worth the money, in fact i have ordered more similar items so they can try them.
Imse Vimse Training Pant Medium Animal Farm (28-37 lbs)
Imse Vimse Training Pant Medium Animal Farm (28-37 lbs)
These training pants are very easy for your toddler to manage all by themselves with the wide, easy on and off waistband. Incredibly soft cotton knit on the outside and super absorbent cotton terry cloth inside. A layer of leak preventing, polyester laminate is hidden between the cotton layers. Soft, covered elastic bindings on the legs ensure comfort.
Elegant Boxy Leather Tote - Black, black thread
Elegant Boxy Leather Tote - Black, black thread
This attractive and roomy boxy tote offers ample room to store all the essentials and keep them all organized. Perfect for everyday use, or take it with you when you travel. Created with durable and stylish firm leather, it's built to last. Dimensions are 13.5 in. L x 13 in. H x 5.75 in. W
Customer Review: quality product/very limited return policy
I was very pleased with the quality and look of the leather tote when I received it. What I did not know when I purchased it was that they absolutely would not take the tote back after 30 days. The slip said they would send it back to you if you tried to send it to them. This would not have been a problem if it had been for me, but I purchased it in November as a Christmas gift. It would have been impossible to give the recipient the option of returning it or exchanging it. In addition, if you return it within a 30 day period they still charge you a restocking fee for sending it back. Internet purchases are tricky because you don't see the product in person, so a very restricted return policy makes it very unlikely for me to purchase from this company again.
Customer Review: Great bag!
This tote has lots of space and is easy to carry. The look is both casual & classy.
Current comic book stores NewsWal-Mart Pulls Potentially Racist Comic Book from Stores (, 10 Jul 2008 08:05:10 GMT
Groups protested the Mexican comic book for its allegedly stereotypical depictions.
Fine Art Can Be A Fine InvestmentThu, 10 Jul 2008 15:48:19 GMT
The painting you bought to match your sofa may increase in worth or it may be as salable as your kid's pasta-filled craft project.
Wal-Mart removes Mexican comic criticized as racist (Reuters via Yahoo! News)Thu, 10 Jul 2008 04:52:11 GMT
Wal-Mart Stores Inc said on Wednesday it removed the comic book "Memin Pinguin" from its stores after receiving complaints the popular Mexican character was a racist depiction of blacks.
college book
Today's comic book stores ArticleThe Backlash Against Online Marketing eBooks
Making money online programs and the eBooks that teach these methods have been going strong for the past couple of years. Just recently, though, a backlash of the product is making people think of it as a scam, not a money making venture.
For some strange reason, over the last 3 weeks, I have read and seen about a half of a dozen articles, blogs, emails, etc. focusing on the topic of how online marketing eBooks are nothing but a scam. Sure, there are always going to be critics, but is this sudden rise in awareness justified, or is it just a coincidence? I have a interesting intrepretation of this situation from two stand-points: 1) I got into the online money making business using one of these eBooks. 2) I run a review site ( that focuses on reviewing these exact programs. In the early part of this year, I did what most of you have done: I needed extra money so I typed something like "Make Money Online", "Extra Cash", or "Get Rich Quick" into a search engine like Google or Yahoo. At that time, I knew nothing about affiliate marketing, paid surveys, wholesaling, data entry programs, etc. I spent a few nights researching it and finally found a program that I wanted to try out. This eBook has changed my life. I spent the first 3 months making no money, spending a tons on advertising and getting little traffic to my products. I was learning. The last six months, I have created a number of websites and campaigns and earn steady income as a supplement to my 9-5 job. (This was exactly what I wanted to do). The point is that I would have never made it to this point without the guidance of an online marketing eBook. It taught me the fundamentals: 1) What it is. 2) Where to find products. 3) Where to sell products. 4) How to promote products. 5) How to maximize my earning potential. Understanding the fundamentals is KEY before you can actually start making money. Again, the first three months were spent learning the system, the last six months have been reaping the rewards. At the end of the day, it was ME that made this system work (through hard-work, education and trial & error), but I needed this eBook to get the ball rolling in the first place. (How do you ask a question, if you don't know which questions to ask!?) Secondly, I have an insight that not many have on these online money making eBooks: I review them! I post on my website about a half-dozen different programs, but I have read about twice that over the past year. I have learned a few things from this: 1) About 75% of all Online Money Making eBooks are the same: They have the same chapter headings and the same content. Some go over the "what" a little bit more; others go over the "how". 2) The last 25% is usually some "innovative" or "unique" marketing or product idea that this specific get rich program specializes in. In most cases, these ideas are a bit far-fetched for most, but are always worth a read. 3) It is usually the "bonuses" that distinguish these programs from one another. Some may offer personal counselling. Others may offer a free website or a paid surveys list. Some do not offer much of anything. At the end of the day, the content is there to get you an idea of what you need to do to make money online. So, does this really work? Of course, my answer has to be yes. The reason? I would not be here today writing this article if this did not work for me. So why the backlink against these Affiliate Marketing or Money Making eBooks? I am guessing it could be a few reasons:
1) Speaking out against such eBooks can be controversial (which can be an effective marketing tool to promote your own product...or "anti-product" for that matter!)
2) A lot of people try these programs and a lot of people fail. Not everyone will be successful doing this and those who are not are surely going to consider this a scam.
3) More competion means more work and less sales. Some may bad-mouth the programs just to prevent more people from trying. (The internet is a very big place, though, and there is plenty of ways to still make money!)
At the end of the day, I find these articles that bad-mouth online marketing eBooks a bit silly. Sure
, some of them are pretty bad (and pretty short!). But some will provide you with tools to begin making money online in no time.
Matthew is a 32 year old online entrepreneur and engineer currently living in San Diego, CA.
Visit for more money making articles, resources and reviews on today?s hottest online money making ventures.
Recommended comic book stores ItemsVersace by Rosenthal Medusa Lumiere Clear Crystal Whiskey Glasses, Set of 2
Versace by Rosenthal Medusa Lumiere Clear Crystal Whiskey Glasses, Set of 2
Lumiere, French for "light," epitomizes the delicacy and brilliance of hand-blown, full-lead crystal. Adorned with Versace's iconic Medusa head, each sparkling tumbler or stem in the collection makes a perfect accompaniment to Medusa porcelain dinnerware. The two Lumiere Clear whiskey glasses in this set are designed especially for sipping a fine single malt Scotch or a sparkling bourbon-and-soda on the rocks. Measuring 3-1/2 inches tall and holding 5-3/4 ounces, each octagonal-sided tumbler feels secure in the hand and luxuriously weighted, thanks to the dense base in which lies the Medusa image of Greek--and Versace--mythology.
Ever since Versace, Italy's provocative house of haute couture, and Rosenthal, one of Germany's most prestigious porcelain companies, teamed up in 1993, the resulting dinnerware and gift collections have made spectacular waves. Classical and wildly imaginative themes leap to life with uninhibited combinations of color and line. Also available in a colored version, each Medusa Lumiere set comes secured in a Versace gift box, sure to both delight and impress the recipient. Like all fine crystal, the whiskey glasses should be washed carefully by hand. --Ann Bieri
Sport Fish of the Gulf of Mexico
Sport Fish of the Gulf of Mexico
This full color 264-page book from long-time fishing legend and Florida Sportsman Magazine Sr.Editor Vic Dunaway features his 50-plus years of fishing knowledge. Each of the 194 species is illustrated with original full-color artwork from renowned marine artist Kevin R. Brant. The book answers many common questions, providing specific information about the type of fish, its range and habitat, identifying features, whether or not it is good to eat, the average and record size of each fish and the best fishing methods to catch them.
Customer Review: Don't get fined???????
With so many restrictions and diffrent types of fish in the gulf, the last thing you want is an illegal fish. "Sport Fish of the Gulf" is on my vessel when I fish!
Customer Review: Essential for the emerging gulf fisherman
I enjoyed reading each and every species entry. The author is obviously a fish enthusiast when it comes to cuisine due to the fact that 90% of the animals he lists are described at the very least as 'tasty'. The illustrations are exquisite and the descriptions for each fish type are thorough. I would recommend this book for anyone new to fishing the Gulf of Mexico.
40 Years of the X-Men
40 Years of the X-Men
With 40 Years Of X-Men DVD, you've got a full collection of every X-Men story published in the last four decades. Almost 500 issues of the classic X-Men comics are reproduced here, from the very first issue in 1963 to August 2005 -- all in full color, from cover to cover. Explore a world where a small group of people are born with genes that give them super-powers. These "mutants" are hated and feared by humanity at large, and the X-Men come together to protect both mutants and human from prejudice and evil mutants alike. You'll get to follow their incredible adventures as they span four amazing decades.
Customer Review: A perfect gift for the comic book fan who has almost everything
My husband loved this as a gift. He is a long-time comic book fan and this gave him an opportunity to read some of the very first editions that are way before his time. They look amazing on the computer, plus you can print if you want. (with 15,000+ pages I can't imagine why you'd want to) I was concerned about Mac compatibility, but since the thing is just a PDF interface, you just need Acrobat, no special Windows-only software. We're looking to pick up the Spiderman collection next.
Customer Review: Nice read
It is just as it says. A pdf scan of all comics. It's really neat to read some of these again. Great value and good entertainment.
Majestic Unicorn T-shirt 100% Cotton KIDS - TEENS and ADULTS Short Sleeve Shirt
Majestic Unicorn T-shirt 100% Cotton KIDS - TEENS and ADULTS Short Sleeve Shirt
The Mountain T-Shirts are premium, hand-dyed shirts screenprinted using environmentally safe, water based inks. They feature a leather feel label so comfortable there is never a need to cut it out.
See size chart for details
GM Corvette 1963-82 (Chilton's Total Car Care Repair Manuals)
GM Corvette 1963-82 (Chilton's Total Car Care Repair Manuals)
Chevrolet Corvette (63 - 82) This series offers do-it-yourselfers of all levels TOTAL maintenance, service, and repair information in an easy to use format. Each manual contains: trouble codes, electronic engine controls, maintenance schedules, diagnostic charts, wiring diagrams, tune up specifications, and much more.
Customer Review: Chevrolet Corvette, 1963-82
Too broad to be of great value for a specific model year.
Customer Review: Great manual.
obviously you have to be a little expert to use this manual specially for the engine related parts, but it is a great help for a complete restauration of your vette.
Dr. Seuss Green Eggs and Ham
Dr. Seuss Green Eggs and Ham
Children learn word recognition when they read along with Sam and click up to 20 "hot spots" on each page. Green Eggs and Ham includes a new Wacky Food Concentration Game and much more!
Customer Review: Simple animations provides alot of excitement for the little ones!
Both my kids enjoys this CD-ROM. Green eggs and ham may not be your idea of a tasty treat, but this CD-ROM serves up an appetizing Seuss in a well-done interactive storybook. This delightful software from Living Books is meticulously animated with hundreds of sketches, new scenes, surprises, and activities. Your child directs the action with just a click of the mouse. And littler ones can choose the Read-to-Me mode! Children will build important skills while playing games such as Mouse in a House, the Wacky Food Concentration Game, and the Silly Rhyming Sentence Machine.
This CD consists on clear, bright images that are nearly identical to the original book illustrations, with the simple animations providing new excitement as the story builds to its "surprising" climax.
With Dr. Seuss's excellent combination of phonics and word repetition, your children will receive a great introduction to crucial early-reading skills, making this CD a solid addition to an educational software library. Believe Me.
Customer Review: wow, what fun
I can only say that our 4 and 2 year olds love hearing the story of green eggs and ham. being able to play along makes this so much fun for them! they love it! definately worth the money, in fact i have ordered more similar items so they can try them.
Imse Vimse Training Pant Medium Animal Farm (28-37 lbs)
Imse Vimse Training Pant Medium Animal Farm (28-37 lbs)
These training pants are very easy for your toddler to manage all by themselves with the wide, easy on and off waistband. Incredibly soft cotton knit on the outside and super absorbent cotton terry cloth inside. A layer of leak preventing, polyester laminate is hidden between the cotton layers. Soft, covered elastic bindings on the legs ensure comfort.
Elegant Boxy Leather Tote - Black, black thread
Elegant Boxy Leather Tote - Black, black thread
This attractive and roomy boxy tote offers ample room to store all the essentials and keep them all organized. Perfect for everyday use, or take it with you when you travel. Created with durable and stylish firm leather, it's built to last. Dimensions are 13.5 in. L x 13 in. H x 5.75 in. W
Customer Review: quality product/very limited return policy
I was very pleased with the quality and look of the leather tote when I received it. What I did not know when I purchased it was that they absolutely would not take the tote back after 30 days. The slip said they would send it back to you if you tried to send it to them. This would not have been a problem if it had been for me, but I purchased it in November as a Christmas gift. It would have been impossible to give the recipient the option of returning it or exchanging it. In addition, if you return it within a 30 day period they still charge you a restocking fee for sending it back. Internet purchases are tricky because you don't see the product in person, so a very restricted return policy makes it very unlikely for me to purchase from this company again.
Customer Review: Great bag!
This tote has lots of space and is easy to carry. The look is both casual & classy.
Current comic book stores NewsWal-Mart Pulls Potentially Racist Comic Book from Stores (, 10 Jul 2008 08:05:10 GMT
Groups protested the Mexican comic book for its allegedly stereotypical depictions.
Fine Art Can Be A Fine InvestmentThu, 10 Jul 2008 15:48:19 GMT
The painting you bought to match your sofa may increase in worth or it may be as salable as your kid's pasta-filled craft project.
Wal-Mart removes Mexican comic criticized as racist (Reuters via Yahoo! News)Thu, 10 Jul 2008 04:52:11 GMT
Wal-Mart Stores Inc said on Wednesday it removed the comic book "Memin Pinguin" from its stores after receiving complaints the popular Mexican character was a racist depiction of blacks.
college book
Writing is something that has to be enjoyed. And with discounted books, we have indeed enjoyed writing all that we know about it. We wish you also enjoyed yourself.
Another Great discounted books ArticleEbay Ebook Success: How to identify Resell Rights in Ebooks
Identifying resell rights in an ebook may seem like a no brainer. However, when I started selling ebooks on eBay I did not know how to be truly sure that I possessed the resell rights to an item I was selling. It's a topic I overlooked until a customer asked me "How do I know if an ebook has resell rights?" I felt that it was a good question which I haven't adequately addressed previously so here goes.
To ascertain whether you have resell rights to an ebook the first thing you should do is check the first few pages of that ebook for a resell rights notice. If you do have resell rights then you should find a notice such as "You have Full Resell Rights to this Ebook. You may resell it for any price you wish." If you do not find a resell rights notice in the ebook then DO NOT risk reselling it. The person who sold it to you could be reselling it illegally. On the other hand they could be selling it legally and the ebook simply doesn't have a resell rights notice, but it's not worth the risk. If you do find a resell rights notice then the chances are that you do in fact have resell rights to the ebook.
However, beware as this is not always the case. Sometimes ebooks that do have a resell rights notice are not actually resellable. I have been contacted by eBay's Vero department on a small number of occasions stating that they have removed my auctions because I did not have the resell rights to the item in question. I was under the impression that I did have resell rights to these ebooks. An example of this is David Blaine's Mega Magic Ebook. Inside this particular ebook there IS a resell rights notice. However, eBay's Vero department informed me that a certain magic company (I can't remember the name), had the rights to the use of David Blaine in printed media.
In situations like this there isn't much you can do. I recommend you remove the listing immediately (if eBay has not already done it) and then send an apology to the copyright holder explaining that you were under the impression that you had resell rights to the ebook, and if you knew the material was copyright you wouldn't have listed it for sale.
The purpose of this article is to inform you and not to scare you. eBay's Vero department have contacted me very few times regarding ebook removal / copyright violation and I am sure it is a rare occurrence for all eBay ebook sellers. However, by following the information in this article you should minimise the chance of eBay's Vero department contacting you, and also know how to respond if they do contact you. Just remember the simple rules:
- No Resell Rights Notice - Don't list the item for sale.
- If eBay Vero contact you - Apologise and remove the listing from eBay.
Want to know how Tom Parker runs whilst automating 95% of the tasks? Then visit or send a blank email to and find out all the secrets. Please include this bio when reprinting.
Recommended discounted books ItemsDEWALT Electric Motor Professional Reference (Dewalt Trade Reference Series)
DEWALT Electric Motor Professional Reference (Dewalt Trade Reference Series)
Anyone working with electric motors will benefit from the DEWALT® Electric Motor Professional Reference. It covers everything from wiring diagrams, design, and installation to maintenance procedures and power transmission, and features effective troubleshooting tips and maintenance forms to help get the job done right with a minimum of down time. Illustrative charts, tables, and graphs covering running current, lock rotor amps, thermal overloads, fuses, controls, and more are especially useful for application to various situations on the job.
Customer Review: Handy, but not as well organized as it could be
Handy, but not as well organized as it could be.
Customer Review: Completely satisfied
I'm completely satisfied with this book because it's clear and concise with diagrams and examples that are easy to follow and use. It's invaluable for motor diagnostics and connections.
Ayurveda, The Science of Self-Healing
Ayurveda, The Science of Self-Healing
For the first time a book is available which clearly explains the principles and practical applications of Ayurveda, the oldest healing system in the world. This beautifully illustrated text thoroughly explains history & philosophy, basic principles, diagnostic techniques, treatment, diet, medicinal usage of kitchen herbs & spices, first aid, food aid, food antidotes and much more.
JanSport Visa
JanSport Visa
A large capacity pack that's ready for the great outdoors.
Customer Review: ok. not really gr8
ITs ok but not really gr8. I think I was expecting more. I didnot like the material of the bag. NOt as expected as the JanSport bag. only satisfied with the product not happy.
Tony And Me: A Story of Friendship
Tony And Me: A Story of Friendship
TONY AND ME is about the lives and close friendship between Jack Klugman and Tony Randall from their early days of stage and television to the "Camelot" of THE ODD COUPLE and onto their later lives. What emerges is a touching portrait of a legendary professional relationship that in the end became deeply personal. A free DVD of never-before-seen outtakes from THE ODD COUPLE adds a hilarious third dimension to this intimate account.
Customer Review: Very Insightful, Surprising
Reading this book by Jack Klugman, you could almost see it written by Tony Randall. Far more vulnerable and sensitive that you would expect from the characterization we see of his public persona.
The book was very insightful and surprising on the complexity of these two individuals and the relationship they developed over the years. I was duly impressed.
He sums it up quite well at the end of the book:
"If you're like I was, or you're someone who likes to hold a grudge, or you've never really let someone know what they mean to you because you're afraid, ask yourself this question: what are you really protecting? If you look, you'll see it: nothing. Absolutely nothing. Just phantoms from old wounds that never healed. Give them up and join the people in your life who love you. Risk it all. For me, it was the best gamble I ever made."
In this, though the book is easy and quick to read, it is an epic in personal growth as well as a tribute to the effect those we let in our lives have on us.
Customer Review: A GREAT Story of Friendship
This was a wonderful story of friendship. Jack wrote this after Tony died. It briefly tells about how they met, how The Odd Couple came to be and how their friendship became a life savor for Jack, especially after he was diagnosed with throat cancer. Tony was instrumental in building Jack's confidence back after Jack lost his voice from cancer surgery so that Jack could perform again. Tony was also helpful in allowing Jack to see how important friendship is, especially during rough times. Jack never thought much of friendships. He was a loner and reluctant to open himself up to trusting anyone. But, Tony showed Jack how much he cared and how much he was routing for him when he was trying to come back as an actor. This book is a tribute to a partnership, a very successful partnership. Included in the book is a DVD of some outtakes from The Odd Couple. This was the icing on the cake.
High Sierra Runaround
High Sierra Runaround
A stylish wheeled backpack for school or travel
Customer Review: EXCEPTONAL
I found this product to be exceptionally useful. The whole purpose of the purchase was because my 7yr old daughter carries a lot of books to school. Without a trolley bag, that is not only spacious but manageable, she would have encountered severe back problems in years to come. I thank god that I took the time to research this product in its entirety before I actually purchased. I even ordered another just about 2mths after my initial purchase for her classmate. This product is by no means second to none.
Customer Review: Overpriced, Poor Quality
I bought this backpack for my 10 year son and gave it to him at Christmas 2007 - He used it from January until February 22, 2008 - The bottom has been completely shredded. He told me that it kept tipping over and he had to drag it. He could not pull it on the wheels. It is a waste of money. This product is not made to be used by children who have to haul alot of books home on a daily basis. Do not waste your money on this one!
Current discounted books NewsBooks!Sun, 11 May 2008 09:01:18 -0700
Books! May 12, 2008 As much as I love reading, I can’t deny that books are extremely expensive in my cousin. It doesn’t help when english book rental shops are quite rare in my state and it sucks that I do not understand the chinese characters. Thankfully, I think I know where I can buy books with good condition and at a discounted price. So far, this website is good for all the quality books I mentioned above. Posted in Oh blimey me
Digital Readers: Law Books of the Future? (, 08 Jul 2008 02:59:55 GMT
E-book innovations, especially a display technology called "electronic paper," make digital readers a value-added proposition to traditional books. Freelance writer Alan Cohen flips through Sony's Reader Digital Book and Amazon's Kindle to see which one best fits your style.
1001 Books -] Software and Educational GamesMon, 07 Apr 2008 01:17:39 -0700 Leaves Microsoft Office XP Standard for Students and Teachers. $15 ppd Great condition but we got office small business and now don’t need this. Have the manual as well. Typing Quick & Easy $5 PPD Educational Games From DK (recommended ages 4-7): Silly Sentences (parts of speech and sentence structure) $5 PPD Silly Rhymes (Rhyming) $5 PPD Math Puzzles (Addition and Subtraction) $5 PPD Dis
fiction books
Another Great discounted books ArticleEbay Ebook Success: How to identify Resell Rights in Ebooks
Identifying resell rights in an ebook may seem like a no brainer. However, when I started selling ebooks on eBay I did not know how to be truly sure that I possessed the resell rights to an item I was selling. It's a topic I overlooked until a customer asked me "How do I know if an ebook has resell rights?" I felt that it was a good question which I haven't adequately addressed previously so here goes.
To ascertain whether you have resell rights to an ebook the first thing you should do is check the first few pages of that ebook for a resell rights notice. If you do have resell rights then you should find a notice such as "You have Full Resell Rights to this Ebook. You may resell it for any price you wish." If you do not find a resell rights notice in the ebook then DO NOT risk reselling it. The person who sold it to you could be reselling it illegally. On the other hand they could be selling it legally and the ebook simply doesn't have a resell rights notice, but it's not worth the risk. If you do find a resell rights notice then the chances are that you do in fact have resell rights to the ebook.
However, beware as this is not always the case. Sometimes ebooks that do have a resell rights notice are not actually resellable. I have been contacted by eBay's Vero department on a small number of occasions stating that they have removed my auctions because I did not have the resell rights to the item in question. I was under the impression that I did have resell rights to these ebooks. An example of this is David Blaine's Mega Magic Ebook. Inside this particular ebook there IS a resell rights notice. However, eBay's Vero department informed me that a certain magic company (I can't remember the name), had the rights to the use of David Blaine in printed media.
In situations like this there isn't much you can do. I recommend you remove the listing immediately (if eBay has not already done it) and then send an apology to the copyright holder explaining that you were under the impression that you had resell rights to the ebook, and if you knew the material was copyright you wouldn't have listed it for sale.
The purpose of this article is to inform you and not to scare you. eBay's Vero department have contacted me very few times regarding ebook removal / copyright violation and I am sure it is a rare occurrence for all eBay ebook sellers. However, by following the information in this article you should minimise the chance of eBay's Vero department contacting you, and also know how to respond if they do contact you. Just remember the simple rules:
- No Resell Rights Notice - Don't list the item for sale.
- If eBay Vero contact you - Apologise and remove the listing from eBay.
Want to know how Tom Parker runs whilst automating 95% of the tasks? Then visit or send a blank email to and find out all the secrets. Please include this bio when reprinting.
Recommended discounted books ItemsDEWALT Electric Motor Professional Reference (Dewalt Trade Reference Series)
DEWALT Electric Motor Professional Reference (Dewalt Trade Reference Series)
Anyone working with electric motors will benefit from the DEWALT® Electric Motor Professional Reference. It covers everything from wiring diagrams, design, and installation to maintenance procedures and power transmission, and features effective troubleshooting tips and maintenance forms to help get the job done right with a minimum of down time. Illustrative charts, tables, and graphs covering running current, lock rotor amps, thermal overloads, fuses, controls, and more are especially useful for application to various situations on the job.
Customer Review: Handy, but not as well organized as it could be
Handy, but not as well organized as it could be.
Customer Review: Completely satisfied
I'm completely satisfied with this book because it's clear and concise with diagrams and examples that are easy to follow and use. It's invaluable for motor diagnostics and connections.
Ayurveda, The Science of Self-Healing
Ayurveda, The Science of Self-Healing
For the first time a book is available which clearly explains the principles and practical applications of Ayurveda, the oldest healing system in the world. This beautifully illustrated text thoroughly explains history & philosophy, basic principles, diagnostic techniques, treatment, diet, medicinal usage of kitchen herbs & spices, first aid, food aid, food antidotes and much more.
JanSport Visa
JanSport Visa
A large capacity pack that's ready for the great outdoors.
Customer Review: ok. not really gr8
ITs ok but not really gr8. I think I was expecting more. I didnot like the material of the bag. NOt as expected as the JanSport bag. only satisfied with the product not happy.
Tony And Me: A Story of Friendship
Tony And Me: A Story of Friendship
TONY AND ME is about the lives and close friendship between Jack Klugman and Tony Randall from their early days of stage and television to the "Camelot" of THE ODD COUPLE and onto their later lives. What emerges is a touching portrait of a legendary professional relationship that in the end became deeply personal. A free DVD of never-before-seen outtakes from THE ODD COUPLE adds a hilarious third dimension to this intimate account.
Customer Review: Very Insightful, Surprising
Reading this book by Jack Klugman, you could almost see it written by Tony Randall. Far more vulnerable and sensitive that you would expect from the characterization we see of his public persona.
The book was very insightful and surprising on the complexity of these two individuals and the relationship they developed over the years. I was duly impressed.
He sums it up quite well at the end of the book:
"If you're like I was, or you're someone who likes to hold a grudge, or you've never really let someone know what they mean to you because you're afraid, ask yourself this question: what are you really protecting? If you look, you'll see it: nothing. Absolutely nothing. Just phantoms from old wounds that never healed. Give them up and join the people in your life who love you. Risk it all. For me, it was the best gamble I ever made."
In this, though the book is easy and quick to read, it is an epic in personal growth as well as a tribute to the effect those we let in our lives have on us.
Customer Review: A GREAT Story of Friendship
This was a wonderful story of friendship. Jack wrote this after Tony died. It briefly tells about how they met, how The Odd Couple came to be and how their friendship became a life savor for Jack, especially after he was diagnosed with throat cancer. Tony was instrumental in building Jack's confidence back after Jack lost his voice from cancer surgery so that Jack could perform again. Tony was also helpful in allowing Jack to see how important friendship is, especially during rough times. Jack never thought much of friendships. He was a loner and reluctant to open himself up to trusting anyone. But, Tony showed Jack how much he cared and how much he was routing for him when he was trying to come back as an actor. This book is a tribute to a partnership, a very successful partnership. Included in the book is a DVD of some outtakes from The Odd Couple. This was the icing on the cake.
High Sierra Runaround
High Sierra Runaround
A stylish wheeled backpack for school or travel
Customer Review: EXCEPTONAL
I found this product to be exceptionally useful. The whole purpose of the purchase was because my 7yr old daughter carries a lot of books to school. Without a trolley bag, that is not only spacious but manageable, she would have encountered severe back problems in years to come. I thank god that I took the time to research this product in its entirety before I actually purchased. I even ordered another just about 2mths after my initial purchase for her classmate. This product is by no means second to none.
Customer Review: Overpriced, Poor Quality
I bought this backpack for my 10 year son and gave it to him at Christmas 2007 - He used it from January until February 22, 2008 - The bottom has been completely shredded. He told me that it kept tipping over and he had to drag it. He could not pull it on the wheels. It is a waste of money. This product is not made to be used by children who have to haul alot of books home on a daily basis. Do not waste your money on this one!
Current discounted books NewsBooks!Sun, 11 May 2008 09:01:18 -0700
Books! May 12, 2008 As much as I love reading, I can’t deny that books are extremely expensive in my cousin. It doesn’t help when english book rental shops are quite rare in my state and it sucks that I do not understand the chinese characters. Thankfully, I think I know where I can buy books with good condition and at a discounted price. So far, this website is good for all the quality books I mentioned above. Posted in Oh blimey me
Digital Readers: Law Books of the Future? (, 08 Jul 2008 02:59:55 GMT
E-book innovations, especially a display technology called "electronic paper," make digital readers a value-added proposition to traditional books. Freelance writer Alan Cohen flips through Sony's Reader Digital Book and Amazon's Kindle to see which one best fits your style.
1001 Books -] Software and Educational GamesMon, 07 Apr 2008 01:17:39 -0700 Leaves Microsoft Office XP Standard for Students and Teachers. $15 ppd Great condition but we got office small business and now don’t need this. Have the manual as well. Typing Quick & Easy $5 PPD Educational Games From DK (recommended ages 4-7): Silly Sentences (parts of speech and sentence structure) $5 PPD Silly Rhymes (Rhyming) $5 PPD Math Puzzles (Addition and Subtraction) $5 PPD Dis
fiction books